Hi! This portfolio is no longer maintained, and is currently in the process of being moved to the Talent hub. Certain links may no longer function, and post 2021 projects have not been added. thank you!
(Studio screenshot of my showcase Irithyll Tower)
View my curvature build guide here: FP1's Guide to Building Curvature in Studio
Visit my EBR showcase here!: [EBR] The Scarlet Chateau Build Showcase - Roblox
Welcome - I am offering my services as a builder. I’ve been building on Roblox for ten years, and on an advanced level of proficiency for around five of those years.
I can build most things utilizing your preferred style and level of detail. My short-term commissions are generally completed within 1-2 weeks. I am not currently accepting any long-term commissions or %-based payment.
What I will not build:
-Clan-run facilities.
Thanks for your time.
(Above is made with nothing except a few thousand parts)
WoS Lighting Showcase
May 2019
An environment and lighting experiment. Utilizes an old build for the towers, created in January 2017. Recommended you visit in-game for the full experience: Winds of Solace - Roblox
–with atmospheric fog
–without atmospheric fog
Irithyll Tower Old Build Showcase
January 2017
Though outdated, it still remains my only completed showcase. I planned to expand (which explains the long walk up) but ended up scrapping the other areas I finished. Recommended you visit in-game for the full experience:
Irithyll Tower (Build Showcase) - Roblox
Xbox One Hub (Dhammapada)
February 2018
A featured games hub for the Xbox One console, later cancelled. The booths would have had a prop display representing the featured game, with the thumbnail displayed on a curved beam behind it.
Place - Roblox
Roblox Battles Championship Event (Terabrite) 🌟NEW
March 2020
A futuristic arena map for “Bubble Bowling” in the Roblox Battles Event ([SAVE THE UNIVERSE] RB Battles! 🏆 - Roblox)
The Clown Killings Reborn Lobby (Lua_Basics) 🌟NEW
June 2019
An open-concept lobby for Lua_Basic’s The Clown Killings Reborn. Features varying levels of beveled terrain encompassing a large area for exploration and discovery.
Borderline Map (Mat852)
January 2020
A set of buildings and areas with platforming aspects contributed to Borderline.
Tsunami Disaster Maps (Joelbloxx)
December 2020
A set of low-poly styled maps for disaster survival contributed to Tsunami Disaster.
Car Crushers 2 Maps (Panwellz)
April 2019
Maps commissioned by Panwellz for Car Crushers 2.
Shopping Mall
Car Crushers 2 Lobby (Panwellz)
December 2019
Lobby commissioned by Panwellz for Car Crushers 2. Terrain and underground core (unpictured) provided by client.
Space Outpost Tycoon (ObsidianOne)
May 2019
A tycoon map for ObsidianOne’s Space Outpost Tycoon including tools and armors. Tree asset and shop NPCs provided by client.
The Conquerors 3 Halloween Set (BrokenBone)
July 2018
A themed model set commissioned by BrokenBone for The Conquerors 3.

The Conquerors 3 Alien Set (BrokenBone)
July 2018
A themed model set commissioned by BrokenBone for The Conquerors 3.

Valiant Valors Lobby (ChiefDays)
March 2019
Lobby commissioned by ChiefDays. Foliage meshes provided by client. Smooth Terrain contributed by Domeboybeene.
Infinite Studios Club (Scripth)
March 2017
A commission for Infinite Studios. The first thing one would notice in this game is the unusual amount of dark and empty space. This was a purposeful decision since color was meant to be drawn primarily from the lighting system they developed, player tools, and the skybox reflection on various glass parts.
I’m most often online during the afternoon, EST. I am currently unavailable for long-term projects. Contact me via Discord for the quickest response.
The primary determinant of price is the estimated time required for completion and flexibility of my schedule. My price range is negotiable, so feel free to discuss this with me to figure out what works best for both of us.
Acceptable payment options are group-funded robux and USD.
~ Fourpapa1#4350
~ @Fourpapa11