Need help with building a boat point

Hey all,

So I was recently commissioned to build a river cruise but I’m having problems with building the point of the boat. I have already searched on YouTube on how to make this possible but nothing pops up.

Here is the boat point I’m trying to re-create.


Hi, this approach of mine isn’t the most optimized if the boat is going to be scripted and functional, but as a prop and for the sake of answering your question I will proceed -

If you build the bottom and top as separate layers (using Archimedes), then you can gapfill between them afterwards to create the shape of the hull. It will probably take a few tries to get the shape right.

Make sure your top and bottom both have an equal number of parts, or something close to equal. (such as 14 and 14, or 12 and 14. 13 and 14 would leave an unsymmetrical gap somewhere)
To get a different shape with the same amount of parts, you’ll have to adjust the length and angle of one of the layer’s segments.

For example, both layers in my screenshot are made up of 14 parts. The bottom layer parts are 4 studs long at 15 degrees for most of the segments. The two center parts that connect at the middle had to be shorter, otherwise they would overlap and not connect. (I used ResizeAllign to connect these parts, so the length of each of those is 2.031, not predetermined by myself)

Most of the top layer parts are 5 studs long at 10 degrees, though like the bottom layer, the two connecting parts in the middle are different so that they connect seamlessly. The angle is the same, but the length is 5.583 (Connected with ResizeAllign, that’s why the number is weird) This combination of a longer segment length with a smaller angle allows the inward curvature to be less harsh.

If you want a more in-depth guide of different methods to creating curvature, consider checking out my guide on it here:

Plugins used or mentioned here:


Thanks, I’ll certainly give it go.