How to improve this place?

Recently I improved this place, I changed pretty everything, I also added musics but I feel like it still empty, here what it look like:

If you have any ideas on how to improve it, I take your replies.


Try experimenting with different lighting, the floor is rather bland as well. I assume the theme is Fallout by the poster so you could have the setting more abandoned, destroyed.

Creativity is a builders greatest tool, so donā€™t be afraid to experiment outside of your comfort zone.


You could try to fit in more props like disused computers under the computer desk. You should try to add more onto the walls



Cluckiest Newtonā€™s cradle Iā€™ve ever seen. Firstly, the strings are insanely thick, make them much thinner. Your balls could benefit from looking like chrome plated metal - increase the reluctance on them. Furthermore, the balls would actually hit the frame. Thatā€™s why the frame often looks like so:


Honestly, not a fan of the shade you used for the screens. Either put texture onto it or have a black plastic colour. Personally, the neon looks a bit weird in this situation. Also donā€™t use pebble material for the 2nd keyboard - the neon keyboard looked much nicer.

Could benefit from more furniture in the first picture - such as a chairs, a bin, cabinets, etc. This would make it feel a bit more ā€œfullā€ and less vacant.

Honestly, most of the models are fine, itā€™s just the lighting that really lets the place down. The lights that you have added to light up the rooms, have also washed them out and now lacks shadows and etc. Have you tried voxel lighting and messed around with ColorCorrection?


An Office looks like an interesting idea: supermposing the expected insipidness of an office environment into Roblox, which is expected to be a fun and otherworldly game.

As there is little to do in the showcase, Iā€™m assuming what youā€™re going for is detail rather than developing typical aspects of gameplay (for example, a storyline). If this is the case:

  • The keyboards, computer mouse, and wiring could use more detail; I noticed there is no plug socket, and in any case the wiring seems very straight, when in reality, a collection of wires would be tangled (or otherwise curved).
  • Usually, a builder or an artist of any profession would represent an area that does not command much detail because he or she intends to give life to individual objects. Therefore, I find it odd that individual objects within your place lack specific detail. If I was the builder, I would make the buttons on the keyboard rounded and mechanical, as they do here. I would achieve this through either CSG or meshes on Blender. The same goes for your filing cabinets, crates, cardboard boxes, etc.
  • The majority of your paper (be it labels or paper attached to your notice board) is flat and plain when in reality, a piece of paper would have ever so slight waves in and have details on it (most likely in the form of a decal for Roblox.) There is also a lack of pins holding the paper to the cork board and the cork board itself lacks detail. I would make the pins with CSG unions and refrain from simply using a cylinder as an amateur may do.
  • As stated by @PurpSinister, the floor is bland and plain. I recommend tiling it or using wooden planks. For wooden planks, I would advise against using the Roblox material as detail may be the purpose of your build.
  • The doors themselves lack detail; the handles are square, and in reality an industrial door would comprise many more parts than that.
  • The noise is annoying, almost polluting.
  • The stairs lack detail. Consider putting a cylinder onto the ends of them to make them rounded. I find that this is usually enough to bring a staircase to life.
  • The walls and ceilings are plain. The remedies to this have hopefully been heretofore listed.

Overall, to augment detail, focus on individual objects rather than whole settings. Since this is a relatively small build, donā€™t fear in getting carried away. From what Iā€™ve seen, you could do with ambition and that ambition stems from pushing yourself to your current capabilities, and holding that ambitious mindset in subsequent builds. Building stems from an ability to exact detail as much as it stems from an ability to master feeling.

If you have any more questions donā€™t fret to ask.


First of all (if youā€™re not going for the square-ish look) you should remake the rope from those balls into actual rope rather than a block, reducing the neon from the monitors using glass or my simply making them transparent. You should also try experimenting with lighting and effects such as beams for lights and dust particles. Some wall detail would be great i.e cracks, lines, posters etc. Thats all that i can think of right now.


Thanks for your reply, I will care about the light and ground. Iā€™m happy to see youā€™ve seen the fallout poster, itā€™s not the theme but a reference to the game, About creativity, I will try to make things that I donā€™t usualy do, I think it could help me, thanks for your tips.

I will add objects, and modify the walls, thank you for your reply.

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About the Newtonā€™s cradle, I tried to make movable balls so I made it with ropes, it explain why itā€™s so thick, but I think I will change because youā€™re right itā€™s too thick. About the chrome plated metal, I will try to make it more bright, more chromed,.
For the screens, I tried to make olds screens, maybe if I change the color it will look older? And for the keyboard, I tried to make different keyboards, but I didnā€™t know wich materiel I could use, but I will change the pebble material.
For the first picture I will add objects, It will look less empty.
About lighting, Iā€™m not very comfortable, I heared about voxel lighting,
And I donā€™t know ColorCorrection, You probably know more about it than me, If you have time, you could make me learn.
In overall thanks for your advise, they are usefull and I will can do a lot of change now.

About cables, screens, and elsa related to this, I worked on it but I could have done a better job, But I will re-make those things, The plugs are goods ideas, it make me think I also could add on/off button for lights.
About the details, I norally take more time on the models, I maybe have did those models too faster, but I donā€™t use blender, but I could use CGS.
For papers, I will also can improve them, pins would be enought I think, And I have an idea to make it more real.
For the ground, I will make something more detailed.
For the doors I also have ideas, maybe less ā€œsquareā€.
For the noice maybe less present? , or just delete it?
I will also modify the stair, but for now, I donā€™t know If I will keep it.
I will simply take more time on it, thanks for all.

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I will care about the rope for the balls, Iā€™m not sure for transparency of the neon, but I will try, for lighting, add effects as you said is a good idea, and details on the walls could also be great, thanks for the tips.

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Maybe you can add more detail to the computers in the first picture. Also, like picture 3, I think you should add more posters around the office. Other than that, Itā€™s pretty good! Keep up the good work. :smile:

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Add more posters is a good idea, and for the screens itā€™s also a good idea, thanks for those great ideas.

Anytime! I hope your game becomes successful!

Things to think about:

  • Try adding a slight blue tinge to the ambient
  • If this place isnā€™t made specifically for first person, then consider making the ceilings higher
  • Fabric material for the floor
  • Lighting in the storage room looks odd to me. Making the room darker might help

A realistic aspect of rooms sometimes are decorative molding: Molding (decorative) - Wikipedia

Itā€™s optional, keeps the rooms from being too ā€˜cubicā€™.

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Thanks for your ideas, I really like the blue tinge idea.

Thanks for the site, I will take a look.

My greatest advice for any builder, is to really focus on the smallest of details. Sure, it may be annoying at first - but it definitely pays off.

To start, Iā€™d suggest doing these things:

-Add more detail to the computer, such as perhaps adding an ā€œonā€ light that blinks.

-Add more office supplies/materials! From what I see, this appears to be an office! Donā€™t be afraid to go crazy with adding supplies. Iā€™d suggest making some papers, pencils, binders, hole-punchers, staplers, and more! Also, customize the office to fit the employee that would work there, such as a mug, or maybe some personal items on the desk.

-Add more details to the floor, as well as the walls! Compared to the ceiling, the walls and floors look bland. Iā€™d suggest perhaps adding tiles, or playing with materials. The walls can feature more posters, pinned papers, or maybe even signs depicting what room is which.

-In the (what I assume to be) storage room, add more boxes, all which vary in size, colour, and shape! For a storage room, that looks pretty empty, if you ask me!

While this place already is as detailed as plenty of Roblox games, I would recommend some minor changes in places where you could add more detail. Outside of adding more space, all you can really do is add some minute changes. Of course, I would also say that some lighting effects and background music could do the trick. Anyways, let me show you some examples of what you could add to get that little more detail in.


Add some extra lines.

Add some variation in between these, maybe leave one open or have papers on top.

Try creating your own textures instead of using the Roblox materials.

Add symbols and letters to the keyboard, and make the newtons cradle more realistic.

Try changing up some of the materials if you are going to use them, although they look good it looks even better to use parts that make a texture.

Good luck on your build, great job so far!