How to install Roblox Studio on a Chromebook in 2020 - Revised Tutorial

Hello there guys, I found the Revised Tutorial on the installation process for how to install Roblox Studio on a Chromebook, here I’ll list the things you MUST keep in mind.

  • You must keep clicking ‘ok’ or ‘install’, do not click the ‘close window tab’ when trying to do the entire installation process at all (except when you see the one part where the man in the tutorial closes the window).

  • You will have to use a different version of Roblox studio (it said that I must go to directX10, directX9 is outdated which is the version you will be using) and don’t worry, it pretty much performs mostly all the same functions needed as far as I am aware of.

  • Painfully slow work times, frame rate can vary, it can be anywhere from 4-5 fps to 1 frame per 6-10 seconds.

  • Have an ideal amount of storage when working with Roblox Studio, maybe customize the amount of storage linux will have for the chromebook (to 8-10GB) so you can have an optimal amount of working space.

  • If you want to open studio everytime, just simply go to the Terminal and paste the line of code here:
    wine .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Roblox/Versions/*/RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe

I have tested this and it worked, others may not get it to work, you may have to factory reset the linux and clear the storage on it for it to work, other than that, I will not be able to help.


The actual tutorial is somewhat simple

  1. Enable Linux
  2. Install Wine
  3. Install Roblox studio

And those commands are:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
wget -nc
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
echo "deb buster main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list
echo "deb ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys DFA175A75104960E
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
wine RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe
wine .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Roblox/Versions/*/RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe

The only problem is that I am unsure why it runs so slow.

Maybe it’s the fact that it’s running some sort of emulation?
Or is it just not that powerful enough to run at least like 10 frames a second?

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It is a mix of having a lower end device and it being emulated. You can complete this same idea on a standard computer. Such as with Grapejuice (both for ChromeOS and standard Linux).

It is designed to handle Android apps and web apps, trying to run studio through a layer of emulation (that’s not optimised for studio) does not help


I don’t see the reason as to why someone would want Studio on a chromebook, considering the fact that Chromebooks are designed to be used as a browsing device, not something you’d do important buisness on


I also forgot to mention that it can highlight things, even when you let go of the mouse/trackpad.
Dragging files and relocating them can take 20 seconds to complete, so yeah, all of it works, it’s just very tedious.

This helped soo much!!! Thank you!! Now once my school chromebook gets un-administrated i can start building, lol.

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If you want to install things like models, plug-in’s, and more, you have to do it inside the studio as well, so doing it outside of studio will not work.

Generally it will be because the person already has a Chromebook and can’t afford, or simply doesn’t want, another computer.
I love my Chromebook - it was cheap, syncs seamlessly with my phone and does everything I want apart from Roblox Studio. I also enjoy the smug sensation of knowing it cost a quarter of the price of my wife’s Macbook Air :grinning:


do we need to install wine separately? or is on the commands.

Back In 2018 I Tried Using Crouton (A Linux Distro Built On Chromebook, As Seen Here To Run ROBLOX Client And Studio. I Ran that same code Using The Unity Desktop It would crash. i may consider trying this again if i get my Same Chromebook Model again (Samsung Chromebook 3)

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Sorry for bumping this but just want to say if anyone in is still looking to do this, and you do have a Windows PC but you just use Chromebook as a laptop, you can use Chrome Remote Desktop to remotely access studio from your PC

It’s actually really easy to setup, takes a couple minutes and it runs smoothly

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