How to link admin to discord sever

I am looking for my admin to attach to the discord sever. I won’t be using admin 2.0 so is there like a script so that every time someone uses the admin it goes to the discord sever!? Thanks’

You can make a Webhook that when someone uses a command; it fires what command, who did it, and users affected.

Not sure what “admin 2.0” it is but some admins have community or pre-made plugins.

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Discord supports webhooks- to set them up just go into channel settings, and you can use HttpService:PostAsync (with the correct arguments) to post messages in the desired channel. If you want to be able to execute commands from Discord, however, you will need to create a full-fledged Discord bot to handle it.

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I just want to have admin in game whenever someone uses it , it says what command and who did on discord.

There are Discord webhooks as both other users said, but if you want something more advanced you could look into creating your own bot as @exxtremestuffs or a bot that I have used in the past for error-logging was Okwo. That’s not it’s only feature, but allows you to create normal messages as well as embeds.

Where can u get this bot if I am able to? Thanks so much for the help.

Hello, please DM me. I would be able to help you.


Please note that Discord is not a logging service and your webhook, server, and/or account can be punished.

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This defeats the purpose of Webhooks, almost everyone uses discord webhooks for logging and I use it for my games also and had no punishement. I cant find a reason to use webhooks for that isn’t logging.

Webhooks should be used more for notifying and posting quick messages from an external application. That’s how Discord intends you to use it.

Discord is not a logging service and will delete your web hook and strike your account if you surpass a certain threshold and are found using the api as a logging service.

Logging mild things does go against discord TOS but will ultimately go unnoticed. It is not advisable.

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Doesn’t mean that everyone uses them that it’s allowed. And to add on, Roblox themselves don’t allow Discord webhooks.

That’s outdated. Roblox does now allow Discord Webhooks, otherwise they would still be blacklisted from HttpService.

The post I linked is literally from January 2020, lol.

The post itself is outdated as well. It has been allowed since late 2018 if I’m correct.

It literally says January 3rd, but ok.

As I said, the post itself is outdated. Just like yours, your post was made a few minutes ago, but that doesn’t matter since the information itself is wrong and outdated. Yes, there was a point where everything discord was banned. But that’s not the case anymore, Roblox now has social links for discord, roblox doesn’t blacklist requests to or and Roblox now accepts discord integrations. Please read my post before repeating the exact same thing you’ve said.

I wasn’t talking about Discord blacklisting Roblox IPs? I am aware that they did in the past, and that it changed. I am literally talking about Roblox disallowing Discord webhooks themselves, lol. I don’t see how a response that’s form January is outdated, but ok. And that doesn’t mean that they have social links for Discord that they allow the usage of Discord webhooks? Those are two different things. It’s like comparing oranges to apple.

I have never mentioned discord blacklisting Roblox servers? Please re-read my post.

Last I heard, Discord Webhooks were against roblox ToS? due to the fact discord is 13+???

I mean if its allowed it depends on the admin system.

I may be able to send you a few videos in direct messages on how to set up on the discord side of things, other then that you will have to postasync json to the webhook link.

I wouldn’t recommend using a module service to run your Discord Webhooks as exploiters can easily over-ride this alike to the trello service.

Discord API is allowed as long as the end user cannot see any references to Discord itself, exactly because of what you’ve said. Discord is 13+. If it’s running in the backend, silently logging admin commands, it’s fine.