April 2, 2022, 2:37pm
I tried making a donut shaped light platform for something but its a square, it doesnt follow the circle outline nor the hole in the middle, how do i go about doing this?
For more complex meshes, use Blender.
April 2, 2022, 2:54pm
i did but its also just a square, not circle shaped
April 2, 2022, 10:34pm
I would suggest making a spotlight or a different circular-shaped light, and attempt to shadow it with a part for the middle.
Referring to the post below, I do not believe this is a feature yet (long overdue, though). I will continue to try different techniques, however.
Been playing around with surface lights recently, and while making various circles out of parts to get circular light spots I though to myself “hey this would probably make a good feature request”.
So as it currently stands surface lights are currently locked into being a rectangle or square sized at their parents size. What I’m proposing is they be changed to match their parents shape or class shape with respect to the given side they’re on (as seen below).
Having the emission shape …
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