I’ve been trying to give players an outline of their character but using a viewportframe in a billboard gui but it doesnt seem to work because it is off by alot
Using a viewport frame in a screengui isnt reliable either because it overides the character and instead of an outline it just puts itself above the character since screenguis are always on top. Is there any other way to achieve this. Any help is appreciated!
This could possibly not be the best solution, but you can probably weld a clone of the player’s character to the player and multiply the clone size by a constant (like 1.01) to make it slightly bigger than the normal character.
I’ve been stuck on this too, but I think I have a hypothetical solution:
Use the viewportframe, but have the dummy in the viewport frame as a R6 user, that may be a good solution but I haven’t tested it. If the player walks, you can play the walking animation, jumping animation, etc.
thats covers the character not an outline
well yes Ive thought of doing that but heres the catch, dynamic lighting wouldn’t affect the character in the viewport
You wouldn’t need to have the exact player, all you’d need is what you want for the outline.
You can use SelectionBox to make an actual outline over parts.
that would be good for games that makes u select parts, i want to give players outlines and its not the best of results since instead of outlining the entire player it outlines each individual part
The only problem with that is that it would also create an outline along the inside of the arms, neck, torso, etc.
Make sure your are using Camera.Viewportsize Instead of mouse.ViewSizeX and mouse.ViewsizeY. Also make sure the camera in the viewport has the same FOV as the workspace.CurrentCamera.
Just a heads up, Roblox recently introduced the new highlight instance, which you can use like so:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait()
local highlight = Instance.new("Highlight", char) -- Puts a highlight around the character model
highlight.OutlineColor= Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) -- Makes the outline of the highlight red
highlight.FillTransparency = 1 -- Makes the fill of the highlight transparent
Like @suicapon said, you can use the highlight instance. Just put it in the character and change the fill transparency to 1 and you should have a effect like that
this is a post from 2021 so I assume they have a sort of highlight set up by now, but here’s a script that automatically sets the color and prevents them from being shown through walls
local highlight = Instance.new("Highlight")
highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)
highlight.FillTransparency = 1
highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.Occluded--prevent players from showing through walls
highlight.Parent = character--highlights automatically set their adornee which makes it super easy
Sorry for reviving this topic but if you no longer need help with player outlines that is okay but @suicapon’s post actually works, so I’m pretty sure you should change @suicapon’s post as a solution.
My grammar sucks I know but just ignore that.