How to Make a Sufficient Community Tutorial Post


You’re probably here because you’re enthusiastic to share some of your resources or knowledge, but hold on! This post will help you share your knowledge in the most efficient and helpful way possible.

Below are some points you should consider before posting. If you don’t meet those requirements, try to refrain from posting to avoid something too basic.

Does my tutorial already exist?

Check the DevForum, DevHub, LuaU docs, Lua docs, and other sites such as stack overflow.

This seems basic, but just do a quick search before you make a post. I find that very often posts are re-made unintentionally.

Below is an example search result when I look for “admin commands”


How do I know if my tutorial is too basic?

Sometimes when we learn new knowledge, we wish to share it as fast as possible. However, sometimes these things are incredibly basic in the grand scheme of things to be presented on their own.

Remember that tutorials on Lua or LuaU basic functionality are considered too basic due to the immense existing documentation online. There’s a lot of people on the internet!

Anything that can be explained in a few sentences should not be posted. Some examples that are similar to what I’ve seen, that should not be posted:

  • What “return” does on a module script
  • Converting .jpg to .png
  • How to place beams and trails

In other words, try to think of tutorials that are multi-step processes to creating a big-picture. A developer would like to know how to make a whole gun system, not just the aim-down sights.

Many of these small solutions are already found through solved solutions in scripting support.



Put effort into your tutorial

Don’t half-ass your way through it. A truly good tutorial doesn’t come without some work to it.

All great tutorials have pictures, code bits, and gifs where applicable.

Here are some example posts that utilize this:

Update your post when needed

Anytime you need to fix spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, or misinformation, fix it. If somebody leaves good feedback, address it and fix what they pointed out.

If people feel as if your post is insufficient, address it and be open to what they are saying.

You will delete some tutorials, it’s the way it goes. Sometimes you hit home with one good one after two or three bad ones when you are new to tutorial-making.

Provide clear instructions and showcase results

Some tutorials lack good instruction and fail to showcase results. Show how to do each step, not what each step is.

Bad example:
Step 1: Get the eggs. Step 2: Scramble and cook the eggs. Step 3: Eat the eggs.

Good example:
For step 1, you will need to grab 3 eggs. Crack these eggs into a bowl of your choice.
(Insert picture of eggs in bowl)

Sometimes, results include data. For example, if you are showing a method that supposedly increases frame-rate, show the data behind it; don’t just say it.

User @SamsAltAcc0unt explains in the replies below the difference between teaching and following steps:

Peer review when possible

If possible, have your post peer-reviewed to make sure your post doesn’t give bad advice, or in the least, have writing errors.

Sometimes having an alternative perspective is more valuable than anything else!


That’s it! If you feel as if I missed something, or could have explained something better, let me know and I’ll fix it.

Thanks for reading, and happy posting!



AHHHH THANK YOU!!! I’ve seen way to many posts that are low effort. Let me bow down to you.


I’ve seen you sneaking into the replies of those posts, which was partially why I wanted to make this post :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey, thanks for citing my GC tutorial in this. I’ve been trying to turn that into a decently comprehensive introduction recently.

Low effort community tutorial posts (specifically regarding simple concepts in any individual area) are something I have seen a drastic increase in since 2018 or whenever the forum publicly opened.

It’s good and bad. As far as learning goes, and as an educator, you can expect to repeat information as many times as necessary to get the concept across. These “reposts” will always reach at least one new person who may become interested in that topic. That said, some are still obnoxious, and most do not contain enough information to be considered applicable to learning in any significant way.

An increase in high-effort, well-researched, quality Community Tutorials would be better for everyone all around. Passionate about a concept? Post about it! - but make sure to bring something new to the table and understand it at a deep enough level to educate on it.

Great post.

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Great tutorial! Very useful for new users on the forum and veterans.

Omg you used my post tysm :blush:


I’ve also seen quite a bit of low quality tutorials. Hopefully this will fix some of them. Nice tutorial overall.

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A big thing missed here is the difference between teaching concepts and direct step-by-step tutorials.

When you teach a concept, you explain everything in general terms and give reasoning for all of your actions. You’re discussing an idea, not a specific asset.

Step-by-steps usually just involve following along with the tutorial and doing exactly what it tells you to do.

It’s the difference between giving the reader a fish and teaching them how to fish. Give them the fish and they’ll eat once. Teach them how, and they’ll eat for life.

I see a lot of tutorials that just say “do this and then this and then this and thanks for reading my tutorial” which doesn’t teach how to do much. It just shows the exact steps for a specific asset that people can mindlessly follow.

Also, titles matter. People expect the tutorial to be about what the title says, so you need to make sure they align.


I’ll quote what you said in the original post, that’s really well worded ^v^

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This tutorial gives me an idea…


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I really like the new knowledge you provide. You have helped new DevForum users to share their knowledge with other Developers. I really appreciate it.

I was very surprised when I found out that what I wrote on the DevForum could be used as an example of writing. Hopefully what I write on the DevForum can inspire many developers. Thank you very much! :smile:

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Yeah, I totally agree even though my tutorial was kind of a bummer but I’m not a fan of admin and anti-exploit tutorials considering they’re easily bypassable and exploitable with my knowledge of scripting

I’d like to make a tutorial of how to navigate this thread!

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Everything, that you wrote are all the normal Community Tutorial Rules. Your post is exactly the same as the rules, that are pinned, I don’t know, why you make an extra Post for it.
(Better explained ofc, but yeah)

Only a couple points are out of all of them. The two/three that are similar have further explanation to make it a sufficient point.

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Well, if you write an tutorial the steps are normal.
If you write an tutorial you wirst watch other tutorials, by spelling mistakes it is normally to fix it and effort is normally.
No need to post an whole tutorial about self explaining things.

Im assuming you forgot the tip to make your tutorial have a clear, nonambiguoise title concidering i thought this was a Tutorial Post on How to Make a Sufficient Community xD

I didn’t got it:

Maybe your device screen is too small to display the entire title?

Well, but is it good if we make posts here asking people’s opinion about comparing using this or using that, which is better. Do you think it is okay? Like, let’s say me, I like to ask people’s preferences. Like which is better between using module scripts + server script or just entirely using server script. Because IMO, it’s a personal preference that I can ask.

Do you mean making a post for the purpose of asking?