How to make a VR grab script

I want to make a VR game and I got a great sort of base for it.
(R6 VR version 2 Finished)
The problem is, it doesn’t have grabbing/easy way to add it. Does anyone have/know how to make one of these so that you can pick up a grabbable object and it will stick to your hand while your holding the trigger and when you release it drops or you can throw it.

Use Version 3 of R6 VR, it uses a new and much more stable framework that allows you to much more easily add new features.

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Thank you so much for replying! I’ve seen it before, the problem with that is I have no idea where to put the scripts? and also how/where would I implement the grab feature?

Hold those questions for the moment as for I am currently working on a new post detailing how to make object grabbing inside of VR.

One of the sections will include a special version of my framework that includes this feature.

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Thank you so much bro, It’s gonna help a lot of people!

any updates on this? also trying to make simple grabbing

Quick demonstration, hold grip = brick attached to hand.
Best way to get the nearest parts is to surround the hand in a hitbox and find all parts within said hitbox.
If you’re going to have physics involved with a server character, then weld the part on the server to save yourself some headaches.
If it’s purely CFrames at play then both welding or manually cframing the part will work.

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thanks double tap :), i ended up using align position currently because im trying to make a gun and it works a lot better than welding in my case,

but, i want the slide to be pullable, but… it just doesent really work out with allign position

used prismatic constraints to have the slide pull back on one axis but my question is

what do i use to grab the slide of the pistol?

experiment my boy, i have no direct answer since i haven’t tried doing something like this before.

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Using rigid constraints might work?

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