So I’m trying to figure out how to make any instance for example part, or a ui button circle around another. Does anyone know how I can do this, or have any tutorials I can watch to learn how this works?
I found this script somewhere in the DevForum probably a few months ago so this should help.
local center = -- path to part
local planet = -- path for orbiting the center/part
local ORBIT_TIME = 2
local RADIUS = 10 -- how far the orbit is
local ECLIPSE = 1 -- ranges from 0 to 1, perfect circle if 1
local ROTATION = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0) --rotate which direction to rotate around
local sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos
local ROTSPEED = math.pi*2/ORBIT_TIME
local runservice = game:GetService('RunService')
-- There are many ways to run this loop, you could do while true do if you want, if so use this: rot = rot + wait() * ROTSPEED
local rot = 0
game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function(t, dt)
rot = rot + dt * ROTSPEED
planet.CFrame = ROTATION **ECLIPSE, 0, cos(rot)*RADIUS) + center.Position
You can use a constraint though…
Now I know you can just use it by constraints, what constraint?
I meant… LineForces. Simulating Planetary Gravity using Line Forces! - Roblox Studio - YouTube
It’s way easier than using a script.
@devwingfr Nice to know you can use constraints, the main reason I made this thread though was because I wanted to know how to do this using scripts because some stuff for example camera manipulation, and other stuff like UI doesn’t allow you to use constraints.
You could try my module. It is a simple and easy to use free module that contains circular orbits, eccentric orbits and elliptical orbits currently!
Get it here now : Tomroblox54321’s Advanced Planetary Orbit Module!