I’m trying to make a name tag system where you can see everyone’s names. I’m currently parenting the Billboard the PlayerGui, and then Adorning it to the players head. This is all being done on the server. Problem is, you can only see your own name tag. How can I work around this??
DON’T suggest parenting it to the players head. I’ve tried this, however because of a Roblox bug, it won’t work, as it can’t be edited
If you want tags to be visible to everyone, you need to parent it to the player’s head with a server script. Or generate them all on the client for each player if you want to edit on the Client.
Are you wanting it so each player has a tag of their own ( I.e above their head it says “Àdmin”, “Guest” Ect) ?
If so , then putting it inside the players head when they join is an acceptable way of doing this.
You could do this with the following code:
local TAG = Instance.new("BilboardGui")
local TEXT = Instance.new("TextLabel")
TEXT.Parent = TAG
TAG.Parent = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name)
-- then edit certain offsets and colour adaptations here.
I don’t know what you mean by this, these values can be edited via coding and its fairly simple as well.
I suggest watching @Alvin_Blox 's video on this as he explains this concept well
If this isn’t what you are looking for, I suggest elaborating a little more because it sounds like you require just giving players name tags.
Well I don’t know if I’ve got a setting or something set somewhere that prevents this from happening, but I can’t. Look at my bug report link. Shows everything needed, however Roblox refuses to actually look into it
I can’t create a repro tho. Unless I just give everybody access to my game. I’ve tried creating a repro in empty baseplates, etc. and it all works fine, so it only occurs in my game. I’ve tried creating different places and uplaod the game to different places, still occurs. It’s obviously a bug, as there is nothing I am doing wrong. As far as I’m concerned, the pics are enough to prove it’s a bug, unless someone has a logical explanation to prove otherwise
Instances in PlayerGui on the server replicate only to the parent player, which is why it’s appearing on their client only.
Ideally you should be placing the BillboardGui in the characters head. The bug report you posted looks like you have a separate BillboardGui parented somewhere else with the Adornee set to the characters head.
It only creates 1 Gui tho. If I click on the 1 billboard gui, and click disable, nothing happens. If I delete that 1 Gui tho, it disappears. So there is 100% only 1 name tag ui
I’m not sure why that’s occurring, however I’m going to assume it’s something place specific with how the name tag is implemented. It may be worth making a separate topic here so people can investigate it for you.
In the mean time, you can solve the issue with the name tag only replicating to the users themselves by placing them somewhere outside of PlayerGui (such as in ReplicatedStorage because the characters head isn’t an option).
You can create it inside the character model, not directly inside any part.
Would this still cause the same issue with duplicate GUIs you’re experiencing though? I’m not sure why the issue would stop occurring just because the location of the GUI has been moved.