how would i make a player immortal to all types of damage
falling in the void
immune to part destruction
standard damage
model stays loaded on disconnect
and can still be used on rejoin
i have seen scripts like this not sure how they do but
basicly there is 2 of the same player on workspace then they are in control of the clone
that does not die at all?
also how would i undo it using a command
scripts like studio dummy immortal lord lightning cannon
they all use that
You can use HealthChanged event to detect when a player takes damage, then set the Humanoid’s health back to Humanoid.MaxHealth so it goes back to full HP.
You should probably check HD Admin’s scripts to see how ;reset specifically works. I don’t know how HD Admin works but it may be a local character reset rather than a server one if you use it on yourself.
It’s likely that this command, no matter what happens, will set Humanoid.Health to 0. Maybe you could experiment with the event Humanoid.StateChanged and the function Humanoid:ChangeState in case your character dies, so you can change your state to any other that would “avoid” your death? I don’t know if it makes sense, but try to see if this algorithm would work.
So basically, I found what the ;reset command does
Name = "refresh";
Aliases = {"re", "reset"};
Prefixes = {settings.Prefix};
Rank = 1;
RankLock = false;
Loopable = false;
Tags = {};
Description = "Clears all effects and loops from the player";
Contributors = {"ForeverHD"};
Args = {"Player"};
Function = function(speaker, args)
local plr = args[1]
for commandName, people in pairs(main.functionsInLoop) do
if people[plr] then
main.functionsInLoop[commandName][plr] = nil
local originalCFrame
local head = main:GetModule("cf"):GetHead(plr)
if head then
originalCFrame = head.CFrame
local head = plr.Character:WaitForChild("Head")
if originalCFrame then
head.CFrame = originalCFrame
What we would surely have to avoid here is reload of the character, as death is not happening here plus avoid any changes for head through CFrame.