How to make low poly buildings / houses in blender?

Hello, my name is OSO and I’ve been trying to learn to make low poly simulator maps to do commissions and just make some nice looking games. I have already learned to make environment like trees rocks, mountains etc, but I just need to get better at making buildings for decor or shop/ sell. Can someone make a tutorial on how to make some on blender or just link me a tutorial?

Please search this was posted not to long ago attempt to do a quick search here on the dev forum. Making certain buildings or houses isn’t hard if you have the time and practice in doing so and put some effort into it, such as learning the software searching and using different methods to accomplish a detailed cartoony house.

We have a few resources and tutorials hanging around here on the dev forum and there are definitely some by doing a quick search on the web.

I wouldn’t go into more detail since there’s hundreds of videos already here and out there try finding some simple tutorials if your new to making shops, houses so on and so forth here is helpful source you could use to get started.


There are a lot of videos on this, this video helped me: