How to make roads "wet"?

hello devforum, what I am trying to achieve is something like this. I want to make my roads look wet like this whenever it is raining in my game.

how would I go about making this effect with the least lag possibile?


probably a decal/texture or something?

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What if you put like a glass part and add some transparency into it then put it in the road, maybe that might work?


I should have been more specific, but I want the road to reflect like in the photo also.


I think there’s a strategy to doing this that involves using roblox terrain water with a transparency of 1. Never tried it but it might work.

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However, if someone steps in it, their swimming animation will play.

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well that depends on how much of it is showing.


Not true, the swimming animation only shows up if a certain amount of the player is submerged in the water. Otherwise, this will not happen and you can walk normally as long as the water is a very thin layer.


Did a bit of experimenting, this is what i’ve come up with,
what i did was make a custom puddle shaped mesh, and set its reflectance to one, this will reflect the skybox but nothing else, so not perfect but sorta answers your problem


Part I made is her if you guys want to experiment. Please give credit if you end up using it :smiley:

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You can change the material of the part to Glass and Transparancey to 0.25 and Reflection to 0.2.


You could try using viewports as well to reflect the buildings

I tried making a wet road with glass, and it turned out like this. I had to turn transparency up quite a bit, otherwise the concrete texture wouldn’t show much at all.

I dont think theres a performant way of doing this yet.

If you were to stretch decals over it, that would jsut cause insane lag for the amount of decals. Maybe a mesh, but thats still a lot of moving parts that you would spawn in, which could hurt less performant decives. With PBR and custom materials, i saw someone(forgot who) say it could be much cmore possible with those, but im not sure.

That isn’t realistic at all. It’s easy to do this on a realistic method using the Roblox Studio tools.

Just a pbr texture, u can make ur own like here


Can you share how you made that?

U can use app called texturelab Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 13.58.00 to make pbr texture, so get a
asphalt texture, or road texture, and after that go to texturelab, here u will see something like this:

get your road texture, and now in library find option called “Image”

drag it to editor, and click on it, and there u will see 3 options, load, reload, remove, u need load option, click on it, and pick your road texture

now just play with sliders on normal map, to get wet road reflections
if it’s too hard, u can try another method, get road albedo texture (color)
and now find wet ground

and now combine road color with ground normal and roughness

boom :boom: easy way to get wet road


Thank you! That’s a great explanation. I’ll try it later.

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