How to make this as nice as possible and not bannable

Hey guys its been a while and i came up with a new issue i cant seem to fix.
im trying to create a type of military coat for a main antagonist in my new military game its semi ww2 based but not in the sense where its horrible and discriminating

this is the clothing i want to achieve

and this is the version i messed up

i tried fixing it to what wanted it to look like but i got a 7 day ban which confused me but idk what to think of now and i dont want my account terminated

You’re not allowed to have a red armband of any sort, so just change the color or take it away.


They will think its the Raziiies, don’t want that haha, it clearly looks like Hixlar by the little white circle and the black cross, recommend removing it cause that’s the symbol of the Neo-Raziiies.

(Made this as friendly as possible my friend.

How do I know this: I studied them for a long time.


so essentially replace the color red?

the point of the red thing is for a ww2 german era game just not the horrible events against innocent people

Remove the white circle and the black cross, that was given to the evil military leaders and soldiers when “killing” a good amount of “people”. It resembles a bad meaning to it also.

the black cross was medal of honor and its meant for that reason just not the bad side of the symbol

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im just tryna say i wanna keep that part but i dont want the aggressive meaning of it

The Iron Cross will not get you censored. It’s actually been redeemed by modern day Germany as a medal of honor.

See this thread here for the discussion. Regarding Roblox's moderation censoring WW2 German propaganda

Yeah, toss the red armband and make some other generic antagonist symbol.

is there a way around that to where i can have it in that style though?

because the person wants the game clothing in a ww2 plot

Avoid red. You should be fine as long as you do not have anything that directly associates with Nazis.

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so what color should it be to be most accurate
orange red?

I’m no design expert, but something monochromatic (black or white most likely) should get the message across with the WWII theme. No armbands either.

what if i keep the armband but make it black?

with red in the center instead of white

The thread I posted should have further answers to this topic. I’m glad you asked this before making other decisions. This is what the forums are for.

People have gotten banned for less, so I’d still say no armbands. Maybe have the evil design on a pauldron instead.

hm ok but i still think the armband helps the look and honestly i think it looks good like that though

ok sorry to waste your time but i kinda quickly redid the color scheme and i hope this would work more

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