How to make this gui in the same size and position in game

Please tell me if I put this on the wrong category.

Hello! So I have a moveset gui, that shows the cooldowns. It is put in ServerScript and then copy pasted to the PlayerGui when they join with said ability. It is located in the bottom right.
But - the position and sizes of the gui is different in game and in studio.
How do I fix this?

In Studio:

In game:

As you can see, they are very different,
(Also, i use the Gui Rescaler plugin.)

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the light buttons and grey buttons seem spread out, you might wanna put them all in one frame. use anchor points, and uiaspectratioconstraints

Well they are put like this, in one frame (I know its inefficient design)
Desktop Screenshot 2024.02.08 -

But I haven’t used anchor points and uiaspectratioconstraints yet. Do you have a video tutorial for it, perhaps? I’m not good at guis

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uiaspectratioconstaints will maintain ratio of the gui, no matter the screen size. anchor points are for locking guis in certain positions. for more information, here is a link UI Positioning For Dummies | Using Anchor Points Effectively, Common Mistakes, Basic Layouts & More!


Heres the link to UiAspectRatioConstraints Documentation if you need it!