How to minimize lag when updating parts in bulk?

I have a script that updates at least 100 parts at once, to go from their current state to unanchored, visible, and collidable. If I do this script on the client, there is no lag, but on the server, the clients see a sudden lag spike once the parts are updated. I would like to minimize this lag, and I don’t know why it works fine on the client. It can’t be a performance issue (because running the script on the client uses the same computer as running it on the server in a local server environment), unless Roblox has some other stuff going on behind the scenes.

Here is said script:

for _, child in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
	if child:IsA("BasePart") then
		child.Anchored = false
		child.Transparency = parent.Transparency
		child.Parent = game.Workspace
		local weld = child:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("WeldConstraint")
		if weld then weld:Destroy() end
		child.CanCollide = true
		local randomPosition =
			math.random(-0.3, 0.3),
			math.random(-0.3, 0.3),
			math.random(-0.3, 0.3)
		local randomRotation =
			math.random(-7, 7),
			math.random(-7, 7),
			math.random(-7, 7)
		child.Position = child.Position + randomPosition
		child.CFrame = child.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(
		local t = math.random(40, 70) / 10
		Debris(child, t, t - 1)
		local direction = (child.Position - hit.Position).Unit
		child:ApplyImpulse(direction * 15)
			while true do
				if child.Velocity.magnitude < 0.001 then
					child.Anchored = true
					child.CanCollide = false

(there’s some stuff behind the scenes that handles mouse hit target for clicking a part)

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The only suggestion I have would be to wrap your update function in a coroutine and make it update after every Heartbeat using a while loop.

Perhaps Roblox having to replicate everything on the Server to the Client would cause a lag spike, compared to the Client already updating everything on its side, and not needing to replicate anything to other clients/the server (take this with a grain of salt)

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There’s no lag using the while loop method, although I kind of need the parts to update instantly. I think the server-to-client method would be a good alternative, but I encountered a lot of server-client desync as I was implementing it, so I think it would be too unreliable to actually use it. I’ll edit the post to include the script, in case you can find a working alternative.

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Of course, this is faster on the client; nothing has to echo back and forth with the server. Maybe go the other way here and update what you need first and the rest in chunks.

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I solved it just by making the script execute on the client and have a lesser version execute on the server for other clients to see. Thanks to those who helped!

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