How to move a skinned mesh model?

I have a dog model with skinned mesh , imported from blender and animated in blender .My animations are working just fine in roblox animation editor , and i see them working in gameplay too.

The problem arises when i need to clone this model into gameplay and move it . The model just clones but i can’t reposition it thorough HumanoidRootPart. I added HumanoidRootPart inside the model. I set models primary part to this. I can’t reposition model via HRP.
I also added a Humanoid inside the model , i am not able to move model via Humanoid:MoveTo function too.

So how are we supposed to move / reposition the models that uses skinned mesh ?


This is probably just a band-aid solution, but try moving every Bone’s WorldPosition.

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Actually , i fixed this with RunService and modifiying HumanoidRootPart’s CFrame everyframe. Everything should be welded to hrp , so it was a welding issue.Fixed it by trying different welding combinations.