How to overcome gaps when modelling and building

So, I have this doubt that I’m not sure about it and I hope you can help me…
So, when making models or buildings, I always find increment gaps like in a decimal point gap.
(sorry, i cant show any images)

Its hard for me to make it, what should I do, and how to do it.

Thanks for your replies!! It helps… :grin:


There is plugins that can help you do this such as Gapfill and many more! You should be able to find them in the plugin store!


Thanks, coz I am a beginner here to Roblox Studio and becoming a Roblox Developer…
BTW, thanks for the tip!:+1:
I’ll try it…


Make sure everything that isn’t supposed to move is Anchored, and try to use an increment with the Move tool to keep stuff in line with each other. If your building on say a .2 stud increment you can also check the Position of the Parts to make sure they are still aligned to the grid. Their Position shouldn’t be 56.201 studs, but you can manually zero it out by making it 56.2 by writing that number into the applicable axis.
Yes, sometimes Parts won’t align exactly, even by .0001 studs, and you have to ‘fix’ it, but it’s all part of the process here.


There is a plugin called GapFill by Starvant like @HmmBilly mentioned . You can use it fill gaps between parts.
You can find it here: GapFill
Hope this helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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Filling gaps with GapFill may cause unnecessary triangles at times, but overall is a great tool and I would recommend it. You just need to monitor the triangles that is being produced by it.

And as for overall gaps from building, if you are using a 0.1 increment when building and find that you are encountering gaps at times, you could reduce it to 0.05 and adjust accordingly.


I didn’t knew that 'cause it has never happened with me. Well, thanks for the suggestion. You can use any method you prefer. And I personally very rarely use gapfill

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A great way to fill in gaps is with stuff like resize align + gapfill.

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There are many great plugins to use. I recommend this one:

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So you are saying is that, if I am using, for instance, 0.5 increment, so that means I need to use half of the increment of the before increment value, which is 0.25…

Ok, I’ll try it. Thanks👍

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Instead of using small increments(<0.125 studs), the smallest increment for precision building should be 0.125 studs.

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Okay then, so I guess by setting it to that value by the least, it would be easier to model and build something immersive, thanks for that :grinning:

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I answered this question a while back, as have many other developers. It’s always helpful to search the forums for your question/issue before restating it.

Take a look, hope this helps.


Thanks for that! I guess I should know in what increments would be better when building and overcoming gaps at the same time👍

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Yeah haha, definitely make sure you know what increments you are on! This creates consistency throughout the entire build, and makes life SO much easier.

I use .25

Oh and if this helped make it the solution.


Oh, and the reasoning behind this is that computing decimals to binary creates what they call a ‘floating point error’ due to the fact that decimal numbers converted to binary sometimes makes really long numbers.
For example:
.25 to binary = .01
.125 to binary = .001
.1 to binary = 0.0001100110011001101
Crazy, right? So if you are using .1 as your increment it has to calculate that many decimal points every time you place a Part, and if you have a series of Parts built off each other it gets worse for each Part you place.


Plugins such as gapfills help you but add unnecessary parts to the game
But i highly suggest using increments such as 0.1, 0.5, 1 or any LCM of 100


Oh ok, I guess that I should go for decimal numbers which which has lesser binary numbers worth of value for accuracy and persistance…:thinking:

Thanks bro, this is a good tip I would recommend to others…:+1::smile: