How to play audio in moon animator 2?

How can i make an audio play at a certain time in the animation in moon animator 2?

I intend on adding the audio later with scripting but it would help a lot having it while i animate as guidance.

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I’m not that good at using moon animator 2 and implementing it into animations, but what I would do is create a local script that’ll play an audio for the player if the audio playing is true, and adding denounce so it wouldn’t spam play it.

Oh you could use a script/local script and make it wait a certain time after the animation event is fired, and however long after it is fired, you could add a wait() until u want it to play

That’s not what i meant. What i want is to add the audio directly into the animator so i can hear it while i make the animation, so that i have a better sense if the audio is in sync with the animation

Ahh ok I don’t know then, you might not be able to