How to post a good talent hub post (SHORT)

This post is a shorter version of my original post: How to make a good Talent Hub hiring post

I am not atacking those whom are linked. it is for edu purposes.

In this thread I will be posting how to make a talent hub post that actually wants people to apply for your job proposal. This will be mainly focused for scripters however you can take many elements/points from this post and incorporate with your posts.

(If you’d like, look at this post that has creators listing what they look for on the talent hub:

Getting into it.

As we all know people want good pay for their work even them simple things. NO ONE is going to work for < 2k robux especially not for a few hundred robux too. Developers whom accept robux will always encounter a 30% tax via gamepass taxes. For this reason many devs (my self included) want a better pay however don’t think that everyone who is expensive is good.

It is more a ‘self worth’ thing when wanting higher pay for work. The usual pay for a scripter is around 2k >.

Q: “Why do scripters need such high payments/salaries?”
A: Like I said it is a self worth thing, 30% tax and can also be the amount of tasks to do and complexity of said task(s).

Below I will link some bad posts and good posts you can read through, compare and understand why they’re bad.


This post is good because of the information they’re supplying to the scripter about the job and the tasks they will/could do. When you make a post make sure it has a CLEAR depiction of the job, the tasks and anything else you may want/need (skill or not).

Only kind of bad thing about it is the payment amount and requirements are kind of poorly wrote, however being flexible is very handy for scripters as it allows them to (potentially) get paid more.

This post is good as it is straight to the point on what they need from the scripter, what the scripter will do and the pay is handsome too.

Only issue I have with it is payment after completion as me and other scripters would take a percent of the file payment to get started. This shouldn’t be an issue if the hire-er is willing to accept the scripters terms.

(Remember being flexible with your payments and pricing is very good to build a trust worthy relation ship between you and other scripters.)


This is bad for the abysmal pay for their work.

They also sound like they’re trying to sell something to you instead of giving a good description/useful information about the type of tasks you would actually be doing, their requirements and other factors.

This has potential to be good if the poster would clean up the paragraph at the start, add a good list of requirements, and offer better pay. They did do a good job with listing the tasks.

(Remember that scripters don’t want to be spoken to like they’re the audience. They should be given a clear, detailed description about the job anything you want.)



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I’m all in for feedback, but maybe you could have just typed out a snippet of what you found “bad” about their Talent Hub posts, rather than posting the direct links and making it seem like you’re attacking them or something

I did look below them? Please at least read the whole post.

I meant like, to copy some portions of the post to paste here, not pasting the link to the Talent Hub posts

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Its easier for some if I do it like that. It makes little difference changing it


This is just in my opinion anyways. After all, you can’t predict what other people would do if they were to come across the linked posts, besides actually noting your feedback

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I did add a disclaimer to this post like my older one (which is more in depth and is linked at bottom) where linked ones aren’t being attacked so hopefully should prevent more of this happening.

Appreciate your work but I personally feel this is not a good tutorial. I think the good examples you gave are not good as well.

One doesn’t show any examples, or provides a clear description of the tasks. What redoing of framework? Scripting team working on core game elements, but aren’t you being hired as a scripter?

The other doesn’t have any clarity in payment-wise. How much extra? etc. + also lacking clarity.

Offering of pay-wise, most developers are starting out and can’t afford anything. 300 is considered low for you, but high for a newbie. The best advice would be to not even hire talent and do things yourself first, because the trash pay can not be solved by just offering more because they don’t have enough to compensate.

It seems more like you are sharing your own opinion, and not actually providing a tutorial. With that, I think hub posts are then just subjective, you can’t determine what’s “good” especially since I assume you’re looking for posts, and have not made any.

I am assuming your talking about the people posting and in that case they shouldn’t be posting if they know they cannot afford a good person to script and should instead save up or learn scripting them selfs. Yes not all will know which is why I made this post and another one (LINKED AT BOTTOM OF POST) to help educate those.

A lot of the people how offer a few hundred robux (really a couple of pence) are children but other times it is people trying to rip off some scripters too which is also here to help prevent that hopefully.

I price my self based on the norm which is usually north of 2k. 300 is like 100-200 robux after tax which very quickly they’ll learn its really low.

That is up to you but I thought I made it obvious:

  • Some of it is my opinion but who isn’t gonna give their opinion when making posts?
  • Did you read my other post that is a lot more lengthy?
  • Did you read the full post?
  • Why not give your own opinion instead of wording something that sounds argumentative?