How to prevent legs from spazzing out?

--add crippled legs
				function addLeg(leg, vector)
					local newLeg = game.ServerStorage.brokenLeg:Clone()
					newLeg.CFrame = leg.CFrame
					newLeg.Parent = script.Parent
					local attachment ="Attachment")
					attachment.Parent = script.Parent.Torso
					attachment.Position = vector
					newLeg.BallSocketConstraint.Attachment1 = attachment
				addLeg(script.Parent["Left Leg"],, -1, 0))
				addLeg(script.Parent["Right Leg"],, -1, 0))

Upon taking enough fall damage, your legs are removed, and replaced with broken legs that drag lifelessly behind you. The problem is, while they are dragged, it is certainly not lifelessly.
I have a custom crawling animation that plays when you are crippled like this. The problem is the legs keep pushing me around and being janky even though I’m not moving, and they just make everything look super messed up. Like, my body will bounce up and down and the wrong animations play and stuff- and I know it’s the legs, everything works fine without them.

I feel like I’ve tried everything: CanCollide, Massless, Collision Groups, and none of it seems to work.

Any ideas?

Have you tried all of them together??

Well, for me the thing that helps is not eating at least 30 minutes before going into the pool! I don’t like cramps :frowning:

But to remain on topic: Make sure to uncollide the legs. Normal legs also don’t collide.

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is that just
grasping at straws or do you actually think that might work

No, I’m serious, if you combine the three it might actually work better

This is off-topic

wdym uncollide? like turn cancollide off? or prevent the two of them from colliding? cuz I already tried that

Unanchored, not colliding, no mass, custom physical properties and make everything 0, etc.

hold on i just found something, its not the legs, its just the fact that i deleted the old legs, but thats kind of essential…? so…? is there anything else i can do about this?

oh yea actually set the HipHeight maybe? Insidehumanoid

Dang bro, sorry for making you mad :pensive:. I honestly didn’t know that massless only worked when parts are welded

I’d rather have someone contribute something that’s wrong than just criticize others. If everyone just did that, people would simply stop helping others.

I don’t think deleting the old legs should cause any issues. From my experience, it does virtually nothing to the character.

Maybe this is happening:
You’re forcing your character down with animations, but your hipheight is trying to force you back up. Maybe set that to 0 (it’s in humanoid)

  1. It was the issue so
  2. I’m using a crawl animation, so deleting the legs might do something different contrary to just a normal walk and idle animation
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I made a new post with all the new information I have since it was kind of a drastic change and too much to just edit, if you wanna see or try to help its here

Okay, sorry. I should have worded that nicer.

But with all due respect, putting all 3 together will do nothing useful.

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