Hello everybody!
Today I will be helping you with a very important part of your Roblox Development career which is advertising. Advertising is a way to make your game get more frequent players and make a profit from it. Although it is not always easy as you can put hundreds of Robux into your advertisement and it may fail.
We will be talking about two topics, free advertisements, and paid advertisements. They are put into sections so you don’t need to read all and find it.
Before advertising your game make sure your game is completely finished and playable. Play the game yourself and get a few friends to test it with you. Do they enjoy the game? Would they want to re-play the game? If all these answers are yes continue with the tutorial. If not don’t waste your time or Robux right now as it will be no use to you.
Free Advertisement
Free Advertisement can be very useful for new developers as they may not be able to financially afford to advertise their game. Here are top ways to advertise your game for free,
Asking your friends to play your game is a great way to start getting players to your game, even if it’s for one day they can still cause an impact on your game stats. If your game is enjoyable your friends may recommend it to other friends which can get you even more players. Although this method is not the most sustainable, it can still help grow your game.
Asking my friend to test out my game
Social Media
Social Media is by far the most common way to advertise anything at all. Newly popular apps such as TikTok have made a great achievement for Roblox Developers. I will be giving examples of 2 apps to advertise your game on including their cons and pros, which are Discord and TikTok.
Discord is an app where you can communicate with your friends, create servers or join servers. It can be helpful to talk with your players and announce updates inside your own server.
- Easy to communicate with players
- Easy to announce news
- Easy to manage most aspects of your server
- Easy to manage a community
- No paid methods to advertise
- Hard to find members to join your server
- Takes time to set up a good server
Stylis Studios Discord server, announcement channel
Tiktok is an app where you can post videos to share your game’s updates or advertise the game. It is great because your videos will be recommended automatically to players that have the same interests as your game.
- Easy to setup
- Easy to announce videos
- Easy to manage
- Pay to advertise your video
- Easy to find players
- Can take long to create videos
Oilwarfare Tycoon, who has gained millions of players from advertising in TikTok
Paid Advertisement
If you are able to afford to advertise your game that is great! If you have read our free advertisement topic you may have already noticed that you can pay to advertise your TikTok videos which are one way to get more views and players.
There are two ways to advertise your Roblox game or group, sponsors and ads.
I personally recommend sponsoring your group or game as most players these days use Roblox website extensions such as BTR and Roblox Plus which block ads making them invisible. Sponsoring your game is a better way as they are not blocked and can pop up in many places such as the Discover page or when you are searching for a game.
To sponsor your game, go to the Create page and find the game you would like to sponsor. From there click the Sponsor button next to your game.
From here choose your options, now for the tricky part the price. You don’t want to put too much Robux into this as if it fails you would not want to lose too much. If this is your first sponsor spend about 3k-10k on it which should get you enough players and profit if you have game passes and developer products. If it fails, ask players what they don’t like about your game and fix it! Then repeat the steps until your game has frequent players. From then your game should start gaining players itself.
To advertise your game, go to the Create page and find the game you would like to advertise. From there click the settings icon and click advertising.
From here create your ad. For a good art I would suggest hiring a GFX creator, this tutorial is not about how to make a good Advertisement GFX, but there are tutorials for that such as How do I make an appealing ad?. If you think your GFX is good enough and appealing for players to click it, bid about 3k-10k on it until you start getting players. If it fails, ask players what they don’t like about your game and fix it! Then repeat the steps until your game has frequent players. From then your game should start gaining players itself.
Hope it helps!
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