How to remove shadows on an object?

Hello. I think I was not clear in the title. What I want to achieve is that when I pick up a part (which I have already that system), all the shadows that are specifically on that part are removed. Im not trying to remove the item’s shadow (cast shadow), I want like when you turn off GlobalShadows but just for that part. Is it possible?

Btw srry if my english is bad, im from Mexico.


There is a property for parts called CastShadow. Set it to false and the part will not cast a shadow :slight_smile:

If the item has multiple parts, I think you could go through every part and disable CastShadow.

I am not trying to do that. When I disable that property, the shadow of the part will not be projected on other parts. I want to disable the shadows that are projected on the part. I hope I am clear. If I’m not, I will try to make an image or idk.

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ohhhhhh I see what you mean. This may help:

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