How to revert to old studio script colour theme

They just recently changed the script colour theme and I hate it how do I make it go back to what it was

- Br, iSyriux


You can set custom colours in studio settings, although I’m not sure if its possible to get the exact colours from before. If you find a screenshot of the old colours you can probably try to best match them.

In alt-s settings

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Can I get like the old colour scheme reference?
Using old screenshots just won’t give the exact colour, and they’re really hard to find.

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Oh god it burns.

I bet it will reset if you reinstall studio!


I think they changed their default colour scheme so it remains the default now. I need some type of old colour scheme reference.

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Oh interesting. It’s probably just a ini file somewhere, there’s gotta be a way to dig that up.

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I don’t know where or how I would find them, unfortunately. My only solution to this kind of problem is to just try my best to match them. Sorry i cant be any more help!

There may be ways to download older version of studio online, although I wouldn’t reccomend it, but those would most likely have the old scheme.

I have been facing the same issue recently. I resolved it by using this plugin’s default dark theme.
Once it’s installed, click on it in the Plugins tab, then click on the theme editor (or something with themes, not sure how it’s called now) and there select the Default Dark Theme in left sided bar.

You can just go in and reset all of the settings to default… Press Alt-S then in the bottom left corner of the pop up, there is a button Reset All Settings… It’ll reset anything else you’ve changed though

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The problem is, they changed the DEFAULT. resetting it would do nothing to get it back to the old theme

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I don’t want the dark theme.

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You can’t undo changes. You can revert to the original theme or change it to a new theme.

Oh I see. I didn’t realize they changed the default script coloring.

The problem is, they changed the DEFAULT. resetting it would do nothing to get it back to the old theme

Found it, my bad, misread the OP… if you go back to settings and scroll down, there is an option called “Script Editor Color Preset”, just change it to default and it should return it to the original version

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They changed the D - E - F - A - U - L - T. I never said anything about UNDOING changes, because I never changed anything

Oh, my bad! I’m not sure which theme exactly you are now trying to achieve, but there are also some other themes. Maybe you can find one that you like in there?

The word default came from the latin word “Fallere”

Its official definition is

a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer.

The setting I was talking about will do what you’re wanting… Just go change it… The one you’re using rn is an extra one… Theres like 3-4 settings in it… The default is the classic style

This, the old default theme. They recently changed the default and I want the OLD DEFAULT back

You’re not listening… Just go do what I said, and it’ll return it to that style… I’ve already tested it in studio, it works