How to revert to old studio script colour theme

I am not reinstalling studio. I have other important settings that i forgot about.

Simply change the extra settings until you like it… ? Sorry, but that’s really all I got if you don’t want to reinstall.

You appear to have the upcoming Script Editor Beta Features enabled in studio which explains the inconsistent studio editor settings between users.

These features include semantic highlighting, essentially improving readability and customization through the use of more categorized colors. The default color preset for the new editor expands upon the old default color preset which is why they appear different.


You can either deactivate this to get the old highlighting system/themes back or keep the new system and find/create a custom theme you’ll be comfortable using. I recommend doing the latter as this feature will be rolling out to everyone at some point anyway, and of course, helps you program.

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Agreed, you should keep this on. Recently, it reset my colors, luckily I have the old light mode script editor colors saved to a notepad! I can put them here. Some things are abreviated, but they are in order from top to bottom of the colors for the script editor. You can change your colors by setting the values for the script editor colors manually. Here they are:

Background - 255,255,255
Select Color - 255,255,255
Select BG Color - 110,161,241
Operator Color - 127,127,0
Number Color - 0,127,127
String Color - 127,0,127
Comment Color - 0,127,9
Keyword Color - 0,0,127
Error Color - 255,0,0
Warning Color - 0,0,255
Find Selection Background - 255,226,167
Matching Word Background - 226,230,214
Built In Function - 0,0,127
Whitespace - 184,184,184
Current Line Highlight - 239,239,239
Debug Current Line - 255,255,204
Debug Error Line - 255,204,204
Script Ruler - 166,166,166