Hello so i have a problem in the third part, my code dosent work i tried to rewrite it a lot of times but still wrong, can someone help me?
local car = script.Parent
local seat = car.Body.VehicleSeat
local body = car.Body.Body
local physicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local defaultCollisionGroup = "Default"
local characterCollisionGroup = "Character"
local cooldown = 0
local occupiedPlayer
local function Cooldown(durantion)
local cooldownTag = tick()
cooldown = cooldownTag
delay(durantion, function()
if (cooldown == cooldownTag) then
cooldown = 0
local function SetCharacterCollide(character, shouldCollide)
local group = (shouldCollide and defaultCollisionGroup or characterCollisionGroup)
for _,part in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
if (part:IsA("BasePart")) then
part.Massless = not shouldCollide
physicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(part, group)
local function BodyTouched(part)
if (seat.Occupant or cooldown ~= 0) then return end
local character = part.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
if (not player) then return end
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("humanoid")
if (not humanoid) then return end
occupiedPlayer = player
SetCharacterCollide(character, false)
local function OccupantChanged()
if (seat.Occupant) then return end
if (occupiedPlayer.Character) then
SetCharacterCollide(occupiedPlayer.Character, true)
occupiedPlayer = nil
Great Tutorial! Really well explained and detailed, it would be awesome if there was a continuation, where you show us how to add more stuff to the car gauges, turning signals, etc.
I don’t think so, i might be wrong. The script transfers network ownership to the local player but you can still lag when you have a LOT of them, depends on your pc specs.
Your missing a lot of code from the tutorial idk if you followed the whole tutorial but this was the final code:
local car = script.Parent
local seat = car.Body.VehicleSeat
local body = car.Body.Body
local physicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local DefaultCollisionGroup = "Default"
local CharacterCollisionGroup = "Character"
local cooldown = 0
local OccupiedPlayer
local OccupiedClientScript
local carClientScript = script.CarClient
local function Cooldown(duration)
local cooldownTag = tick()
cooldown = cooldownTag
if (cooldown == cooldownTag) then
cooldown = 0
local function SetCharacterCollide(character,ShouldCollide)
local group = (ShouldCollide and DefaultCollisionGroup or CharacterCollisionGroup)
for _,part in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
if (part:IsA("BasePart")) then
part.Massless = not ShouldCollide
physicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(part, group)
local function BodyTouched(part)
if (seat.Occupant or cooldown ~= 0) then return end
local character = part.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
if (not player) then return end
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
if (not humanoid) then return end
OccupiedPlayer = player
OccupiedClientScript = carClientScript:Clone()
OccupiedClientScript.Car.Value = car
OccupiedClientScript.Parent = player.Backpack
local function OccupantChanged()
if (seat.Occupant) then return end
if (OccupiedPlayer.Character) then
if (OccupiedClientScript.Parent) then
OccupiedClientScript.Stop.Value = true
local client = OccupiedClientScript
delay(3, function()
OccupiedPlayer = nil
OccupiedClientScript = nil
I’m running into an issue with this car chassis setup. The car works great on laptop/desktop, and even works great on my Samsung Galaxy Note 9. However, the steering seems to be really odd on any Apple mobile devices. When you attempt to drive straight, the car will be turning. The controls are pretty sensitive on my Samsung phone but it’s not unbearable like it is on an iPhone.
Part of me thinks this is more of a Roblox issue, though I am not noticing this issue on other games. Is it possible Roblox is returning some weird numbers for my VehicleSeat’s SteerFloat for iPhones?
Here’s a link to my thread which gives a better outline of my problem, including a video:
If anyone knows what I can do to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I don’t quite understand a few things and am need help with trying to make a drift button for a car chassis I’m making so far this is the code I’m using but it doesn’t seem to quite work that well. Also I’m needing help calculating suspension based off the mass of the car. I decide the mass of the car using a weight brick which I change the density using a formula. The suspension is the main thing I cant figure out also how would you recommend calculating how much density a car brick of 1x1x1 volume should have to equal 1 pound I need the suspension to match the density, and I’ve tried everything I can think of
local SuspensionC = Instance.new("SpringConstraint", Folder)
SuspensionC.Name = "Suspension"
SuspensionC.Damping = SpringDamping
SuspensionC.MaxForce = math.huge
SuspensionC.Stiffness = SpringStiffness
SuspensionC.LimitsEnabled = true
SuspensionC.MaxLength = 3
SuspensionC.MinLength = 0
SuspensionC.FreeLength = 2
local SuspensionPC = Instance.new("PrismaticConstraint", Folder)
SuspensionPC.Name = "Suspension"
SuspensionPC.LimitsEnabled = true
SuspensionPC.LowerLimit = 0
SuspensionPC.UpperLimit = 0
-- Drift Script
local function DriftOn()
if VehicleSeat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude/Stats.SpeedMultiplier.Value> Stats.MinimumDriftSpeed.Value and math.abs(VehicleSeat.SteerFloat) >= 0.2 then
UsingDrift = true
Drift.AngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,DriftVelocity* (-VehicleSeat.SteerFloat/math.abs(VehicleSeat.SteerFloat)),0)
Drift.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(0,Force,0)
for i,Wheelz in pairs(Model.Wheels:GetChildren()) do
Wheelz.CustomPhysicalProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(0.3, 0.36, 0, 100, 100)
Drift.AngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
Drift.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
I’m stuck on Part 2. My frontal wheels keep glitching upwards. If I do anything, that influences the suspension (falling, rolling down the wedge) the frontal wheels just break.
If I move it downwards, so it’s inside the Baseplate, it glitches back up, but with the wheels (sometimes) fixed.
(Note: My car, has multiple meshes, but all set up correct I guess)
I am working on eliminating Video 2 on rigging with a new car rigging plugin. Here’s a demo of it so far. Hopefully it helps streamline this process greatly:
Why does my car randomly fling around like anything when I run the game? All the constraints are exactly the same as his one, the only difference is that am using my own car model (it just has the four wheels, not separate physical wheels). Is it probably the reason? I have also set the masses correctly.
EDIT: That was a problem with the springs, although I used the exact same configuration as sleit’s it still was flinging around. Probably due to the car mass or something. Whatever, tweaked the springs and its fixed.
It looks like you might have welded the physical wheels non-centered to the visual wheels. Either that, or the attachments aren’t centered. Either will cause the wheels to wobble since the center of rotation is off.