Odd Mobile Car Controls

I have been working on a car chassis for my upcoming game. This car is very similar to Sleitnick’s Car Rigging Tutorial. After testing, this car has worked great, at least for laptops and desktops.

The problem seems to be occurring on mobile devices, specifically Apple devices. The problem is more or less down to the steering. Devices affected have this weird steering issue where they will be turning when they should be going straight. This problem is not occuring on my Samsung Galaxy Note 9, and I am noticing the moving controls for mobile seem to be different for Apple devices. I presume this is the problem.

Here is a recording of this weird issue occurring on an iPhone:

Under the hood, players have NetworkOwnership of their car. This is the function, connected to RunService.Heartbeat, responsible for controlling the car:

local function Update(dt)
	-- Steer:
	local steerGoal = -seat.SteerFloat * MaxSteerAngle
	steer = steer + (steerGoal - steer) * math.min(dt * seat.TurnSpeed, 1)
	attFL.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, steer, -90)
	attFR.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, steer, -90)
	-- Throttle:
	local throttleGoal = seat.ThrottleFloat
	throttle = throttle + (throttleGoal - throttle) * math.min(dt * seat.TurnSpeed, 1)
	local torque = seat.Torque
	local speed = seat.MaxSpeed * throttle
	cylFL.MotorMaxTorque = torque
	cylFR.MotorMaxTorque = torque
	cylRL.MotorMaxTorque = torque
	cylRR.MotorMaxTorque = torque
	cylFL.AngularVelocity = speed
	cylFR.AngularVelocity = -speed
	cylRL.AngularVelocity = speed
	cylRR.AngularVelocity = -speed

I presume the problem exists with the controls on these Apple devices giving odd numbers for my VehicleSeat’s SteerFloat and or ThrottleFloat.

Has anyone else come across this issue and maybe have a fix?

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Bit of an update here to correct a few statements. This isn’t an apple thing, but rather is based off of which thumbstick you are using. The default dynamic thumbstick works fine but the regular thumbstick is experiencing the issues outlined above.

How about you print the values of the steerfloat and steer values and compare them to see what value your script is getting.