It should prompt you to open Atom
If it doesn’t, open Atom and go to File > Settings > Install
then search for the package “script” and hit install.
Install the Atom Language-Lua package
Install the “language-lua package” from language-lua
Click on where it says “Plain text” by default.
Then search for and select Lua
Atom should now do Lua syntax highlighting.
Give Atom access to environment variables
This is as simple as typing “atom .” into either your command prompt or Run window.
(Windows Key + R opens the run window)
You can execute the code you’re writing by either going to Packages > Script > Run Script or doing the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + B
Now you can type up and execute simple Lua code whenever you want, without having to open Roblox Studio. Happy scripting!
I fixed it now by watching some tuturials in Youtube because the step 5 only says “Give Atom access to environment variables” and it doesn’t have any steps on how to put it in your system that’s why it outputs an error when I’m trying to enter “atom .”
From my knowledge, running “atom .” in cmd should automatically give Atom access to environmental variables.
You won’t have access to that command without having Atom installed though.
It’s not actually a video tutorial for “Lua for Atom” but it was for Python but in my case, my only goal is adding the path of “atom .” on the PATH of my system.