How to see total sales on asset? (2023)

How do you see the total sales on a item youre selling on the Roblox Marketplace? I know you could use the API link in the browser to see the asset details including the total sales but you cant no longer do that as of October 2023

Ive seen some posts saying you can use a script in Studio and use :GetProductInfo() but it dosent work, I tested this yesterday and got the sales 1865 at my top Plugin and when I checked today it was still 1865, but when I look at the Sales Of Goods sites I can see I get sales every 1.5 hour (no flex) so its not accurate

Is there a way to check total sales?


When I switch Enum.InfoType.Asset to Enum.InfoType.Product it becomes a error, I think it says HTTP 404 Error Loading, but .Product is the correct one idk why it dont work

a 404 HTTP Loading Error is usually going to happen if you haven’t enabled API Services in your game, make sure that “Enable Studio Access to API Services” is checked in the game settings. or have you already enabled this?

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Its aleready on, I just guessed the number 404, I still have the issue

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i will look into it for you, but for now, you could always use to see the sales of an asset, just make sure to change ‘productid’ with your id, and it should come up with a webpage including the item data, and sales. let me know if this helped.

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they deprecated the and i wrote it in the desc anyways ty

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no answer to such a simple feature, if it even is a feature


Have you figured this out yet? I only see 0 sales using Enum.InfoType.Asset even though my plugin also gets multiple daily sales, and I too am getting the HTTP 400 error when using Enum.InfoType.Product

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no idk what roblox is doing… 30charararr

Hey! Any updates on this? Thank you.

Please tell me someone has found out a way for this… the fact that you are no longer to see the amount of sales YOUR OWN ITEM has is actually hilarious


ye 2024 july u cant find the total agian, idk what theyre doing


Where did you find this? I cannot find this ;-;


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If we’re only talking about total sales, the{assetId}/details endpoint displays the total number of sales in quantity. Just change the assetId in the URL to an asset ID that you own or are authorized to view.


Note: Viewing an asset that you don’t have authorization over will result to sales being displayed as 0.

Related post:


I have my product under a group that i’m the owner of. it has a lot of sales I think like 20+ pages of sales. But it shows 0. I am the group holder.