How to size parent UI without affecting scale of children

Hello there, So i made a loading screen, that looks like this;

(At the end, the white bars)

What i want

So that is my loading screen, and what i want, is when the frames (or bars) move, that they show up a picture.

The problems

  1. I want to get the size of the screen. ( fixed )
    (thanks for the devforum where i found the script)

local PlayerGUI = Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local size = PlayerGUI.Screengui.AbsoluteSize
local x = size.X
local y = size.Y

  1. I want to not move the child when the parents are moving of a gui. (working on it)

(you can jist ansver this^^^^^)
More detailed

So when the frames move, you can see the picture, depends on how big the frame is.
This is something like “ClipsDescendants” but than the opossite.I want the picture shown when the frame is above it, also i want the picture having a scale, of {1,0},{1,0}. I have tried putting a picture in the frame, but that makes the picture look bad, and offset is bad, because if players join on phone, they can’t see the entire picture.

Is this possible?
Also if you need the script, or anything that helps you, just tell me!

Thank you for helping

(Note: I am not english, so if i spelled bad, i am sorry)

Could you find a video example from anywhere? I think I gwt what you mean but not 100% convinced

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I haven’t found any example, let me explain it a bit better,

there is a picture in the background, that is only visible, when there is a Gui on top of it.

i want this, but the imagelabel doesn’t scale, and keeps on offset 1,0,1,0 from the entire screen and not the parents

i want it so that the picture doesn’t move (when i move the parent)

Do you know how i can get the size of the screen? Maby that would work, but than how do i make it so that the frames open up the picture?

(I only want to mave the parent, and not the child. This is one of my problems)