How to Sort Teams?

Not sure this belongs in Scripting Support, but whatever. How do I sort the order in which teams appear?
As you can see, the teams are a bit off. I want the owner to be at the top, staff below that, then member, then guests. So, how do I do this?

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There should be old topics about this, try searching.

I think he wanted the teams to be sorted in a specific order, not how to sort/distribute the players through the different teams.

I suggest reading this

If that doesn’t work, then make a custom GUI for your needs.

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Ah, ok. As you can tell I can totally read.

Point is, try searching before posting, if that helps.

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I think the the teams are sorted alphabetically, so if you tried [1] Owner, then [2] Staff, it might work

Teams are sorted alphabetically, you can reorganize them by putting numbers in front and deleting them after. Ex. 1Owner 2Staff 3Member 4Guest, then delete the first numbers. And your teams should be organized.

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but that wouldn’t look proffesional.
the [1] Owner, [2] Staff thing looks more proffesional.

They are actually not. They are sorted based on the order they were inserted in. Usually what I do is have a table with the teams data, then loop through it using ipairs and create the teams. This way the order will always be constant.