How to Tween a Gui (Position, Size, and Both)

EDIT: USE TweenService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub, NOT THIS!

Here’s a very good one: How to use TweenService in Simple Terms

Hello Developers!

Today, I will be showing you how to Tween a Gui (Position, Size, and Both)

First, this is how my Gui is set up:


What it looks like:

TweenSize(endSize, easingDirection, easingStyle, time, override, callback)
Developer Hub

The simple way: (You can not change any other settings)

All you need to get TweenSize() to work is the “endSize”.

So, this is what I did:

script.Parent.TestText:TweenSize(, 0, 0.117, 0))


The Advance way:

Here is a example from the Developer Hub:

local willTween = guiObject:TweenSize(, 0, 0.5, 0),  -- endSize (required)
	Enum.EasingDirection.In,    -- easingDirection (default Out)
	Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,      -- easingStyle (default Quad)
	2,                          -- time (default: 1)
	true,                       -- should this tween override ones in-progress? (default: false)
	callback                    -- a function to call when the tween completes (default: nil)

This is what I did:

function GuiDone()
	script.Parent.TestText.Text = 'Done Tweening'

script.Parent.TestText:TweenSize(, 0, 0.117, 0),
	Enum.EasingDirection.Out,    -- I set it to Default (Out)
	Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,      -- I set it to Elastic
	5,                          -- I set it to 5 for a long tween
	true,                       -- I set it just incase there is another tween happening
	GuiDone                    -- Tells me if the tween is done

What it looks like after it stopped:

TweenPosition(endPosition, easingDirection, easingStyle, time, override, callback)
Developer Hub

The simple way: (You can not change any other settings)

You only need endPosition for it to work.

So, this is what I did:

script.Parent.TestText:TweenPosition(, 0, 0.859, 0))

Outcome :

The Advance way:
Here is a example from the Developer Hub:

local willPlay = guiObject:TweenPosition(
	GOAL_POSITION,           -- Final position the tween should reach
	Enum.EasingDirection.In, -- Direction of the easing
	Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,   -- Kind of easing to apply
	2,                       -- Duration of the tween in seconds
	true,                    -- Whether in-progress tweens are interrupted
	callback                 -- Function to be callled when on completion/cancelation

This is what I did:

function GuiDone()
	script.Parent.TestText.Text = 'Done Tweening'

script.Parent.TestText:TweenPosition(, 0, 0.859, 0),
	Enum.EasingDirection.In, -- Set mine to In
	Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,   -- Set it to Elastic
	5,                       -- I set it to 5 for a long tween
	true,                    -- I set it just incase there is another tween happening
	GuiDone                 -- Tells me if the tween is done

What it looks like after it stopped:

** TweenSizeAndPosition(endSize, endPosition, easingDirection, easingStyle, time, override, callback)**
Developer Hub

The simple way: (You can not change any other settings)

You only need endSize and endPosition for it to work.

So, this is what I did:

script.Parent.TestText:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.117, 0),, 0, 0.857, 0))

Outcome :

The Advance way:
Here is a example and what I did:

function GuiDone()
	script.Parent.TestText.Text = 'Done Tweening'

script.Parent.TestText:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.117, 0), -- Size, 0, 0.857, 0), -- Position
	Enum.EasingDirection.In, -- I set this to In
	Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, -- I set this to Elastic
	5, -- I set it to 5 for a long tween
	true, -- I set it just incase there is another tween happening
	GuiDone -- Tells me if the tween is done

Outcome :

I hope this helps someone :slight_smile:


Nice tutorial! However if you wish to tween more than just the position and size, (such as color) you should use TweenService. It also provides a wider range of customization.


I thought TweenService was for Tweening parts, not Guis.

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TweenService is used to tween any instance’s property that is compatible with the service.


Great Tutorial man, Thanks very much.

Please use TweenService instead…! These builtin UI tween methods are deprecated and are no longer used.


unfortunately I wasnt able to find any decent tween service tutorial to actually change the sizes of the uis

if you are able please send me the code or just a decent tutorial

GUI stuff uses UDim2 so you just tween using UDim2 for position and scale.

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Frame = script.Parent
TweenService:Create(Frame,, { Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1) }):Play()
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Thank you so much I was looking for this for so long.