How to use motor6D

I don’t know if this is the right category but i have a few questions about motor6D. How do i use it? It is strange that even roblox devhub has little documents about this but i’m encountering some issues about it, how do we use motor6D? So far, the only thing i know is that motor6D’s used as a method to join two baseparts together in an animatable way according to the roblox devhub but how do i do it? It likes a machine without instruction and i want to be able to animate FPS stuff before moving on to the mathematic aspects such as bullet and damage calculation, projectile,… I tried to look on the FPS tutorial on the forum but they didn’t show how did they animate it but instead, they wrote a bunch of instructions that tell me to set part0, part1 and that’s it. Nothing else, i need a clear explanation so that i could imagine how to incorporate motor6D


I tried doing a jojo game and i’ll told what i got from it:

  1. to use a motor6D you must have 2 parts and ready to animate
    2.You can only use a motor6d only in local scripts
    3.To use with a player, add a localscript named 'Animate" and put in startercharacterscripts (so other animation cannot disturb the motor)
    4.To animate, you must use a Motor6d.Transform which is same as a CFrame

I recommended using a animation instead of it


Could you tell me what is the benefit of using motor6D compare to animation?

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I think it’s useless because animation use motor6d as same but more better.


Hoping this will help


However, if you want a custom animations in a game. You can use it


ok, thanks for your advice and helpful knowledge

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I use it in server scripts and it works fine but its a bit laggy

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Motor6D.Transform and 4 more pages - Profile 1 - Microsoft​ Edge - Gyazo
sure that it’s not gonna work since it’s not replicated

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Well it seems to work for me… also I am using an event and the code that makes the motor 6d works is in a server script in server script service and gets fired when a play pushes a button.

Also this shows otherwise…


not true, you can edit, create, and use motor6D’s in serverscripts


motor6D is a weld 2.0, it allows two parts to be together and being able to move


there are two ways motor6d can be used

animation mostly because animation uses these as joints

and motor works
for example,
if you have ever mess around with motor6d changing its velocity first then giving it a desired angle, you’d know it acts similar to a motor. you can make it turn the opposite way by changing the velocity to a negative value

you could use this behavior to make a turret that turns

by default this behavior only rotates on the X axis

tho most people (people like me) are unsure of how to actually change the default rotation to something like Y axis or Z axis without changing the entire rotation of the part you connected the motor6d to and this is most likely why motor6d is never used to do things like for example turning a turret because the information on it doing these type of things is so scarce so it is mostly used for animation works

roblox make their dummy’s in a way that their joints turn on the Z axis without affecting the orientation but again information on how to do this is scarce. the last time i tried to look it up on google was around 2 years ago and during that time i couldnt find anything or im just too stupid to realize its actually so easy that people didnt think they’d need to make something about how to do it


motor6d is used for animation works so widely that i doubt that you wont need this

these things are a must have for pretty much any animators on roblox
the plugin over here

the tutorial if you have trouble figuring out how to use the plugin, its actually quite simple once you get it down

a video depicting how my motor6d is different from roblox’s dummy motor6ds

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I have tried using motor6D, but it is really difficult.