How to use Perlin Worms?

I have a Perlin Noise code. But I also want to add caves. I found out that for the caves we need to use something called Perlin worms. I have a code for it too but it doesn’t work as I want it to here is the code:

local Seed = tick()

print("Seed is: "..Seed)

local Resolution = 4

local NumWorm = 1

while wait() do

NumWorm = NumWorm+1

local sX = math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+.1,Seed)

local sY = math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+sX+.1,Seed)

local sZ = math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+sY+.1,Seed)

local WormCF =*500,sY*500,sZ*500)

print("Worm "..NumWorm.." spawning at "..WormCF.X..", "..WormCF.Y..", "..WormCF.Z)

local Dist = (math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+WormCF.p.magnitude,Seed)+.5)*500

for i = 1,Dist do


local X,Y,Z = math.noise(WormCF.X/Resolution+.1,Seed),math.noise(WormCF.Y/Resolution+.1,Seed),math.noise(WormCF.Z/Resolution+.1,Seed)

WormCF = WormCF*CFrame.Angles(X*2,Y*2,Z*2)*,0,-Resolution)




but this code doesn’t make caves. How can I make it make caves?


Please be more specific on what is not working and what is, the documentation of the source code would be highly appreciated, so we can know what a specific line of code does. The thing you described at the bottom sounds like cloning the model inside workspace but I am at the same time not sure because it’s not clear enough inside a thread for me. Thank you.

The code is working fine but it isn’t placing parts it’s placing dirt (the grass from the terrain editor) and I need it to be placing parts so that I can make those parts Cancollide false and transparancy 1 so that it makes a cave.

if you need more information just reply.

I am still kind of confused because I think what you need is not possible but you might try :FillBlock() function which creates a block terrain instead of ball as you have in the script. You can define in which position the terrain should be made like this for example:

game.Workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(game.Workspace.Part.CFrame, game.Workspace.Part.Size, Enum.Material.Grass)


this is what the code does (not your code my code)

but I need it to make it from parts instead of grass blocks.

You mean like this?

local Seed = tick()
print("Seed is: "..Seed)
local Resolution = 4
local NumWorm = 1

while wait() do
	NumWorm = NumWorm+1
	local sX = math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+.1,Seed)
	local sY = math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+sX+.1,Seed)
	local sZ = math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+sY+.1,Seed)
	local WormCF =*500,sY*500,sZ*500)
	print("Worm "..NumWorm.." spawning at "..WormCF.X..", "..WormCF.Y..", "..WormCF.Z)
	local Dist = (math.noise(NumWorm/Resolution+WormCF.p.magnitude,Seed)+.5)*500

	for i = 1,Dist do
		local X,Y,Z = math.noise(WormCF.X/Resolution+.1,Seed),math.noise(WormCF.Y/Resolution+.1,Seed),math.noise(WormCF.Z/Resolution+.1,Seed)
		WormCF = WormCF*CFrame.Angles(X*2,Y*2,Z*2)*,0,-Resolution)
		local Part ="Part")
		Part.Anchored = true
		Part.CFrame =
		Part.Parent = workspace

Yes, That is what I mean.


Okay, I just updated the reply.

Yeeey, It worked ty.

print("Thank You")

how to use it to make caves???

When a new position is generated, check if there is a part there, and delete it. You can delete surrounding parts too if you want.

Can 2D perlin worms be used to make Rivers that meander within the Terrain?