How to use text as a seed in math.noise?

I’m working on a terrain generator, that uses 3D Perlin noise to generate terrain:

And since it uses Perlin noise, it also uses a seed, and seed is typically a number. Now, in games like BLOX / minecraft, you’re able to use text as a seed.

But if I use text as a seed in my terrain generator, I get an error. Is there any way I can use text as a seed in math.noise?

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I think Minecraft uses hashCode() to accomplish this. It becomes integers I am guessing to get that seed result. Source: Google & that hyperlink


Is there any way to do a “hashcode” in lua?

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I am unfamiliar unfortunately with hashcode algorithms but you could probably experiment with string.byte for a different approach.


Is there any resources you know of, so I can learn more about it?

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Try assigning each character a number, or use the ascii value of the characters.


You could hash the string with md5 or something, but that’s probably overkill for what you want. Something really simple might be better. e.g. using string.byte:

local function StringToNumber(str)
	local val = 0

	for i = 1, str:len() do
		val = val + str:byte(i)

	return val

This is a terrible hashing function and will return the same thing for e.g. abc and bca, but it’s up to you if you care that much.

edit: here, on the other end of the spectrum, is an implementation of sha1 hashing in lua.


Its not that bad, because it turns the letters to numbers:

Screenshot (310)

Ima accept this as the solution for now, but if someone has something better, then please post it here!

Thanks for your help @nicemike40!


I’m actually going to use this script:

local function StringToNumber(str)
	local num = ""
	for i = 1, str:len() do
		num = num..str:byte(i)

	return tonumber(num)

Either way, thanks! :>

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More info: according to this, minecraft uses the java String.hashCode() function to convert the strings to numbers.

Apparently, that’s calculated like this:

s[0]*31^(n - 1) + s[1]*31^(n - 2) + ... + s[n - 1]

Which in lua would be:

local max32 = math.pow(2, 32) - 1

local function HashCode(str)
	local val = 0

	local n = str:len()

	for i = 1, n do
		val = (val + str:byte(i) * math.pow(31, n - i)) % max32

	return val