How whould i make a part come out of the ground?

Ok so what do i want to achieve?
first, i want a part coming out of the ground thats all!! but its not that simple… i want it to come out of the ground infront of the player… but how do i achieve it?

thats all though… im kinda new to studio, so thanks!!

Use CFrame.LookVector and tweening to make it rise infront

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but i cant use LookVector to rise it up can i?

What I mean is you use lookVector and Position to POSITION it in front of the player THEN you can smoothy tween it up from the ground. I would provide an example but my studio is crashing right now but I have a script like this

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Ah, clears it! dumb as ever! anyways thanks!

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eh, i can make it myself… i should prob start checking out CFrames more since its useful (even though i hate using it) lol

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actually i dont know which kind of part you want but try this put this in a local script and put the local script in the PlayerCharater script this is an example of how you can make your part rise:

 local plr = game.Player.LocalPlayer
 local char = plr.Character
 local Part ="Part", game.Workspace)
 part.CFrame =,-10,0)
 local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
 wait(10) --wait 10 second then lift the part
 part.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,-10,10) ---part position is now to the player character
 local info = Tween.Info(
 local goal = tween.Create(Part,info,{CFrame =,10,10)})  ---play the tween
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ah ok tysm!! that helps a lot!!