How would I do this?

Hello devs. I wanted to know how I would animate a snake. The snake has seven joints, and I’m not sure if I’m even allowed to make a snake with seven joints, since Roblox only supports R6 (for now) and R15. When I did connect all of the joints together using Motor6Ds, the animating was very wonky, and the selected joints weren’t even the joints that moved.

Image of the rig:

You could technically still animate these kinds of rigs, as long it has the HumanoidRootPart, Torso and head.
Just make sure the joints are ordered from the root to the snake’s head or tail.
Like, Set the first custom part into Part1 and Part0 shold be the root.
Then the second part as Part1, with Part0 being the First part, and so on.

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