How would I go about creating a serverlist?

I have searched everywhere online but I cannot seem to find a good start about creating a serverlist.

I want it where a player joins the “hub” game, and then they choose what server they want to join, then they can join a server with running games (Another Place). I’ve tried to search all online, but I just can’t seem to find anything regarding this, they all lead to messagingservice but I really can’t understand it without at least starting somewhere.


Sorry, I can’t really help that much. I have very little knowledge regarding this topic as it is one that I’ve never tried before. However, I did search and find a reply to another post that said you should use MemoryStoreService. You can check it out here:


Is the server list of all the game’s servers or are they private servers?


Probably recommend checking out the tutorial done by @Sub2HTR! Here

This doesn’t work and it doesn’t allow for severlists between places. Still looking for an answer

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I strongly recommend using MemoryStoreService here.

Using MSS, you store all running servers in a single SortedMap. Every server is saved with its JobId as the key and a table with its information (like player count) as value. These keys will be updated with UpdateAsync.

If a player wants to join a server, you simply teleport him using the JobId as TeleportOptions.ServerInstanceId and update the server’s information in the SortedMap.

Of course you have to update the SortedMap when a server gets created, shuts down or a player leaves.


bumping this to get more replies, still stuck

I’m going to research more into this and try. This sounds fun, intuitive, and challenging. The reason I personally feel this would benefit my game, is I could create a sort of “flagging” system that lists the least “laggy” servers at the top of the list. Aside from player count, it might allow me to rank servers based on player skill, for example, servers at the top of the list are recommended because the skill level is similar or near that of the person selecting. There really is a lot of possibility with this isn’t there?! :grinning:


still no answer please someone respdon

I have the same question! @Alvin_Blox should really make a video about this service like he did with the datastore service

Im pretty sure you can use MSS to achieve this, Introducing MemoryStore - High Throughput, Low Latency Data Service!

I’ve also seen people use HTTP Service to make some type of cross-server stuff so Maybe you can try to research that area :wink:

Why not use Getqueue, I don’t understand the api much about their differences, so could you explain in a more simple way?

The difference is explained here: Memory Stores | Roblox Creator Documentation

What we want for a server list is a global dictionary that all servers can access and change. Sorted maps are exactly that.

Queues are a bit different, you can imagine them like queues irl. New people stand at the back of the line and people at the front go away.

Ah i see, Thanks for the answer.

Did this ever get figured out? Because I’m wondering the same thing!!

Yeah. I use MemoryStoreServife. Every time a server is created it’s added into MSS, and I use MSS everytime I need to use it

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