so i have a folder, and inside the folder are balls, there is a string value inside the balls that has the player’s name. i want to make it so the player can only touch the ball with their string value in them. i have tried looping through a script and making it find out whose ball is it, but there is always a delay. any idea what i can do for this?
Could you post the script here? Then it would be a lot easier to know whats wrong
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Balls = workspace:WaitForChild("Balls")
local function OnBoulderAdded(boulder)
if boulder.Plr.Value == LocalPlayer.Name then
boulder.CanTouch = false
boulder.CanCollide = false
for i, boulder in ipairs(Balls:GetChildren()) do
task.spawn(OnBoulderAdded, boulder)
i feel like theres a simpler and faster way of doing this
I don’t think you need to use task.spawn here, but i can’t find any other problems in your code
here’s the game: Obby but you're Sisyphus [WIP] - Roblox
the ball that spawns after you spawn is the one with the player’s name on it, the other one is without
Have a local scrip with a function that has (player)
Have the part have can colide off and have if
Cancolide =true
But have it be part.touched:connect(that function)
if the collision is off it would just go through the map the second the player spawn in
Sorry i thought theyd be ancherd
no its ok its a very difficult problem
So i was half right use collostion filtering Collision Filtering | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
seems inpractical to create a collision group for each player isn’t it?
can you join the game rq i think i found a answer
I cant right now you make one collistion group for all the players then add them to a table when they join
but then i would make to make a group for each ball too
Add each players ball into a table
any other ideas? i feel like making it into a table is unnessearyily complicated
Another way of doing “player only” touch detection is by connecting the .Touched event on the client directly. Steps could look like this:
- On the server, have a table of players as keys and their ball references
- Send the ball references to the clients, so for example:
local tableOfBalls = {[player1] = {ball1, ball2, ball3}, [player2] = {ball4, ball5, ball6}}
for _, player in Players:GetPlayers() do
remoteEvent:FireClient(player, tableOfBalls[player]))
for _, ball in tableOfBalls do
... do code here
- Then when a client touches the ball, fire the ball reference to the server
- On the server, verify if the ball is owned by the client (check if the ball exists in their table) and done
im out rn, ill try this when i get home, seems like it could work