How would I make a proximity prompt look like this?

Hello! So I am wanting to make a proximity prompt interaction system but have the prompt be custom.
I’m not very good with custom proximity prompts and have tried to to this myself using the Proximity Prompt Customizer by @BitwiseAndrea but I couldn’t quite get it how I wanted it.
Here is a mockup photo of how I want it.

Any ideas of how I would achieve this?

Thank you for the help and sorry for the trouble.


Billboard guis maybe

I thought of that but the plus side to custom proximity prompts is that instead of only showing up based on distance they also are based on how your camera is facing
This way there isn’t multiple prompts showing up at once and confusing the player

Commenting for readability. Still having this issue.

Is your issue the flickering as noted in the other post?

Yes It just flickers once and goes away for some reason. After a bit of testing I found out it was because I added a to it instead of editing the already existing UI. I’m not entirely sure how to get around this.