How would I make players spawn with a custom character if they're a certain rank in a group?

my script is

	if plr:GetRankInGroup(7411123) >= 255 then
		----Becoming Custom Character Comes here

So I want it so if you are in the group, and you are rank 255 then when you spawn in the game you are a custom character

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You have to use this: Player | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I know but that’s not quite what I was looking for, I’m trying to become a custom character if im that rank in a group.

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That is literally what that function does? :confused:

Edit: Oh you have changed the original post and now want help with making the player a custom character? Ok then.

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255 is the max rank in the group, so you could just do

if plr:GetRankInGroup(7411123) == 255 then

Anyways, you could use plr.CharacterAppearanceId, which is the character Id of an actual player, or a morph, (which I’m not so sure how to use morphs.)

	if plr:GetRankInGroup(7411123) == 255 then
		plr.CharacterAppearanceId = 00000
plr:LoadCharacter() --basically resets them so the char can be seen

If you want to use a morph, I’m sure someone else would be willing to help you as I’m not so educated on morphs/startercharacters.


How would this work with a model? image

I haven’t touched custom characters in a while now, but I think what I used to do was just get rid of what the player’s normal character was, clone the character model that you want, and then set the player’s character to be that model. Then I manipulated the camera so it followed that model. But I will look more into it and see if I have any projects in the past showcasing this. Good luck :smile:

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