How would I make Stravant's cart stable for a cart?

Stravant’s cart has been outdated, nor has it ever been maintained from the past few years. While I was working to stabilize the cart, there’s an issue with its reliability on upper hill rails. I’ve done my best to develop the best method to smoothly level the cart, ensuring it can drive as it goes through the ramp, but it didn’t turn out well.

I’ve read a forum post similar to this issue; it worked well with flat rails but not meant for uphill rails.

I’m not entirely positive how BodyForce, BodyVelocity, and BodyGyro can rely on the cart’s performance and dependability. For the past few days of experimenting them with the cart, there wasn’t any best method that anticipates the cart’s reliability on-ramp rails. What are your thoughts and suggestions?

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Well it’s your lucky day this wonderful person fixed up the old cart’s and has made a cart pack with functional cart’s you’ll have no problem going up the hill’s anymore.

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Follow the next tutorial, its very usefull and easy to make!


That tutorial is for making roller coasters using the coaster plugin, not cart ride’s.

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I added this to help, if it is useful, then use it, if it is not, then just keep in silence and continue reading posts.

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