My cart doesn't travel smoothly

So I’ve been making a cart ride and it turns out that the cart shakes as it moves across the track. Here is a GIF of it in action:
I’m using Stravant’s Cart, as well as his track collection. I’d appreciate it if you’d tell me what the problem is and if I am able to stop the cart from shaking.

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Roblox physics aren’t great, if you want it to be perfect, hire a scripter to make a cart that uses cframe and raycasts instead of velocity.

Decrease the wheel’s elasticity and increase the wheel’s Density and Friction however for the rails or gliders set the FrictionWeight and Friction to 0 to simulate that slipperiness of steel rails and to remove sudden bumps from high speeds from the CustomPhysicalProperties tab (btw set that to true to see available properties on physics) since elasticity does shake the cart quite a bit because the wheel is skidding along the gliders and Density to keep the cart stable and not veering rightward or leftward but you would need to tweak the values of acceleration, hope it helps
this method is used without a script.


Do you suggest any exact values of the Density, friction, elasticity, etc?

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well i mean for me id do 10+ density, 2 friction, 20+ frictionweight, elasticity pretty low like 0.8- and elasticityweight 0 for wheels, for gliders and rails all values 0 except density 10+

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hi, i’ve tried your recommendations for my own cart ride game but that just made the cart struggle to even go forwards, anything else you’d recommend?