Hello! I’ve been trying to make this “raining system” repeat (meaning after it’s done raining, it will repeat again, it will go back to line 1 and repeat or it will go to the top of the while loop and repeat), however I haven’t gotten in to work. Haven’t touched coding in awhile…
Everything works as well, as it should.
local RainSpawned = 0
wait(math.random(1, 100))
print("It has started raining!")
while true do
if RainSpawned >= 1000 then
local RandomNumber = math.random(1, 50)
local RandomNumber2 = math.random(1, 50)
local RandomNumber3 = math.random(1, 50)
RainSpawned = RainSpawned + 1
local Rain = Instance.new("Part")
Rain.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 3.5, 0.2)
Rain.Position = Vector3.new(RandomNumber, RandomNumber2, RandomNumber3)
Rain.Anchored = false
Rain.CanCollide = false
Rain.Color = Color3.fromRGB(180, 210, 228)
Rain.Parent = workspace.Droplets
print("It has stopped raining!")
Let me know if you have a solution to this, thanks!
Thinking you can use .Heartbeat, or just try using wait() as it still puts a small delay on it.
You can read up on .Heartbeat here: RunService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. A yield is essential in this case as no yield can cause extreme lag and crashing, as well as script overload.
Also, just for organization’s sake, you should use while RainSpawned <= 1000 do instead of break in this situation. Alternatively, you could use a for loop like this:
for i = 1, 1000 do -- i is the amount of iterations, 1 is what it starts at, and 1000 is where it ends. You can also use the i variable anywhere within the loop.
Well you could do a while wait(math.random(1,100)) do instead of wait(math.random(1,100))
(and I recommend you using a repeat until loop instead of while true do in that case so you can remove the if RainSpawned thing and just do repeat until RainSpawned >= 1000)
Pretty sure I did something wrong, it starts to raining in-game but only a few drops, then after a few seconds it starts pouring. I was hoping to make it so that every time before it starts raining, it does a math.random number then counts down from that number (between 1-100, but in this case 1-10 for testing purposes) once it counts down from that number it starts raining. Then when the rain stops it repeats the same process by picking a random number then counting down from that number. Pretty sure I was the one who made a mistake in setting up the heartbeat service.
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local RainSpawned = 0
local RainEnd = 1000
print("It has started raining!")
for i = 1, 10 do
wait(math.random(1, 10))
while RainSpawned <= RainEnd do
RainSpawned = RainSpawned + 1
print("Time between each loop: "..step)
local RandomNumber = math.random(1, 50)
local RandomNumber2 = math.random(1, 50)
local RandomNumber3 = math.random(1, 50)
RainSpawned = RainSpawned + 1
local Rain = Instance.new("Part")
Rain.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 3.5, 0.2)
Rain.Position = Vector3.new(RandomNumber, RandomNumber2, RandomNumber3)
Rain.Anchored = false
Rain.CanCollide = false
Rain.Color = Color3.fromRGB(180, 210, 228)
Rain.Parent = workspace.Droplets
print("It has stopped raining!")
Every single time a heartbeat happens, it will connect to the function. You should use the .Heartbeat as a wait, not to connect to the function. Try something like this instead:
while true do
print("It has started raining!")
for i = 1, RainEnd do -- keeps going until RainEnd (1000)
wait(math.random(1, 10)) -- keep in mind that this is only going to create a raindrop each 10 seconds.
print("Time between each loop: "..step)
local RandomNumber = math.random(1, 50)
local RandomNumber2 = math.random(1, 50)
local RandomNumber3 = math.random(1, 50)
RainSpawned = RainSpawned + 1
local Rain = Instance.new("Part")
Rain.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 3.5, 0.2)
Rain.Position = Vector3.new(RandomNumber, RandomNumber2, RandomNumber3)
Rain.Anchored = false
Rain.CanCollide = false
Rain.Color = Color3.fromRGB(180, 210, 228)
Rain.Parent = workspace.Droplets
print("It has stopped raining!")
wait(1000) -- time to wait between each rainfall, probably should be a random number but use 1,000 as a starting point. This could also go at the beginning of the loop if you'd like.
Also, excuse my poor indenting on here, it’s difficult for some reason