How would I recreate this death effect?

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  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I’m developing a first-person shooter game based on an old version of the mobile game Pixel Gun 3D. In Pixel Gun, when a player is killed with a laser weapon, a special death effect plays, in which the dead player is seen gradually dissolving. Trying to recreate this effect in particular has stumped me.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Here’s an example video of the effect I am describing: (Timestamp: 0:51)

(It may be helpful to watch the clip in 0.25x speed)

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve considered a solution involving using a decal on each face of each body part containing a texture atlas of all the dissolving textures and then manually manipulating the TextureRectOffsets via script to create animation. However, in the video, the parts of the player are partially transparent as they dissolve. I have searched through the documentation and various developer forum posts but cannot find a way to set the player rig’s body parts to be partially transparent.

looking at the video in slow motion it appears that you might have to make the textures using surface guis as the bodies texture first turns into whatever colour then becomes transparent so you would have to recreate all the textures with surface guis and make a script that switches out the normal textures with the surfacegui recreations then you would change each texel in the surfacegui texture into the the colour of the effect then make it 100% transparent. there is no partial transparency thats just because the effect happens quick enough for persistence of vision to make it look partially transparent.


If you slow down the clip, the player’s body parts are indeed seen partially dissolved during the animation. it’s what has stumped me and I’ve mainly been trying to figure out how to do it.

I know that this is normally accomplished using a shader, however Roblox Studio has no such capability.

As I was saying: You need to Recreate your textures using surfaceguis where each pixel is its own frame this will severely degrade performance so replace a normal texture with thier surfacegui recreation only when this death effect is playing.

sorry- i should mention that I’m using a regular Roblox R6 Block Rig for this. No textures or surfaceguis are present on any of the body parts. I believe I’ve already figured out a solution for the animation part- I just can’t figure out how to turn a part such as an R6 arm partially transparent.

You could copy the character that died into a viewport and use masking to get the effect:

Well in that case just directly set the transparency of the limbs.

This is a very interesting post, and it’s probably the most promising solution I’ve seen so far. However, the post does note that it’s probably not an intended feature of ViewportFrames and might be fixed soon D:

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You’re not understanding. I recognize that you can change the Transparency value of a part or a meshpart, but it turns the entire part’s opacity to that value. I want to know how to set a particular area on a single part or meshpart transparent while the rest of the part stays opaque.

Well then you’re gonna just have to switch to textures/surfaceguis as there isn’t a way to do what you want to do without them luckily for you your characters are made of perfect cubes.