How would you make something like this?

So I saw this post and I was so amazed. I wanted to know how would you even make something like this? I know you can make many things in roblox but I’ve never seen something like this before . . .

As the reply of the topic said that he recorded the CFrame of the parts of the character with some variable or Value then when the player dies then it tweens the parts back to the variable or value then get a new character with the same appearance to be cloned and placed on that position while destroying the recent parts.

Hey, I never thought someone would actually be that interested in my post to recreate this.

Sorry if this is a late reply. I use TweenService and CFrame to accomplish this with NPCs, for players, it is trickier. You can check the replies in the post or ask in the post!

@Expertsm is correct on what I do except of course there is a little more to do.