HttpError: ConnectFail

Hey all!
I’ve been getting an error whenever I try import a .obj file into studio, I add a meshpart, and then choose the .obj via the ‘meshID’ option, it asks me about location data, and then it just keeps giving me ‘HttpError: ConnectFail’.
I’ve been getting this error for a while.

Have you tried importing your mesh in a different way?
For example, by publishing your place, opening View → Asset Manager → Meshes Folder → Upload button: image

(Once it’s uploaded you can right click it and select ‘Insert with Location’)

Another alternative would be using a different file format like .FBX .

I’ll try your first solution, give me a few minutes.

Doesn’t work, It says ‘Unable to import mesh’.

What about different file format?

Also this is a related post I found, maybe there is an explanation for you here: