Hello, I was working at a Roblox studio like game, and I work at a system where users can create “plugins”. I send the script, when it was created and more to Discord. But, it always errors this: HTTP 400 (Bad Request).
the script:
function PluginsModule.UploadPluginRewiew(Creator,Name,Script)
local CreationDate = os.date("*t",os.time())
local CreatedDayString = CreationDate.month.."/"..CreationDate.day.."/".. CreationDate.year
local Data = {
["content"] = "Created: "..CreatedDayString.." /nCreator: "..Creator.Name.."/n".."Plugin: "..Name;
["username"] = Name;
["avatar_url"] = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(Creator.UserId,Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot,Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size352x352);
["tts"] = false;
["embeds"] = {
["title"] = "Script";
["type"] = "rich";
["description"] = Script
Data = HTTPservice:JSONEncode(Data)
HTTPservice:PostAsync("Not going to show it",Data)