Hey I have a game that I haven’t even touched in the past few weeks, I did one minor update to it (which was a few days prior to this crash)
My stats have stayed consistent, and even though they might not be the best right now, they are still really stable with what I’ve received. (For the past few months)
Yesterday we had a major uprise of 800 CCU on a weekday and then crashed all the way down?
My acquisition hasn’t updated yet. And this isn’t to do with the downtime that happened yesterday.
(as this happened before Roblox went down)
This also happened with a few of my games, notably this one which received a huge impression drop and then immediately recovered within an hour, only for it to tank in impressions again less than a day later. Really frustrating.
I suspect this could very well be associated with the new home personalization changes that went into effect shortly before all of us began experiencing this.
Seeing all of these posts has made me realize this is a larger problem than I initially assumed. Respectfully, I hope this is addressed as soon as possible.
If anyone else remembers, Roblox in April 2024 made a terrible algorithm change around the time they introduced Today’s Picks, that resulted in tons of games losing a large part of their playerbase and more low-quality games started to be promoted at this time, to the point the recommended tab was promoting games with 30% like ratios. This was explained in a related thread Roblox’s Algorithm Changes Are Killing Our Game - #353 by FutureWebsiteOwner. This effect has slowly reversed itself over time automatically, but I have felt since 2024, Roblox has been messing around with the algorithm. I remember especially last year we had weeks with unexplained drop in CCU, that would later increase in one week, then drop again. I don’t know why Roblox is doing these frequent algorithm tests, it’s like they don’t realize they are effectively killing games. The ones that recovered over time are lucky, others won’t be so lucky. I did not see such changes in 2022 and 2023.